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New York Trial Court Trump Fraud Case against Trump is in Jeopardy after Appellate Oral Argument.

Manhattan, NY: In the Appellate Division, First Department of New York, on September 26, 2024, there was an hearing and oral arguments in regards to the Trump Fraud trial that New York Attorney General Letitia James’ had successfully filed against Former President Trump prosecuting the former president earlier this year and levying huge fines against the former president.

The trial court found former President and other co-defendants guilty of fraud and the trial court fined the former president nearly a half a billion dollars.  The judge in that case was Judge Arthur Engoron, who took the word in a fraud trial against former President Trump from a former attorney of the Trump organization Michael Dean Cohen, who is a felon and had also declared that he had embezzled money from the Trump organization.  In a ruling against the former President Trump, Judge Arthur Engoron wrote in a his almost half a billion dollar ruling that “Michael Cohen told the truth.”

Michael Dean Cohen who had previously worked for Trump organization and was earlier charged with eight counts of illegal activities, including campaign-finance violations, tax fraud, and bank fraud, which Cohen plead guilty to in August 2018,.  In December 2018, Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison and was ordered to pay a $50,000 fine.  In February 2019, the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, disbarred Cohen from practicing law in the state of New York.  Cohen spend a little over two years in prison.

The former president appealed the trial courts finding of fraud with the Appellate Division, First Department of New York.  During the time between the trial courts' finding and this appeal, former President appealed the half a billion dollar bond and was successful in getting this reduced to a $175 million bond.

On September 26, 2024, Trump's attorney John Sauer (Argued the immunity case before the Supreme court) appeared before the Appellate Division, First Department of New York, to provide an oral argument for an appeal of the trial courts conviction and New York Attorney General Letitia James’ charge of violating New York's Executive Law 63(12).  According to the Trumps Attorney and the Appellate court, the law appears to be extremely vague, open ended, and a very broad law that was used to charge Trump and other co-defendants for fraud in financial dealings, whereas there were no victims and no one had made any complaints of financial fraud in their dealing with the former President Trump or the co-defendants.

One of the judges on appellate court wasted no time in questioning the States Attorney Judith Vale, after she opened her mouth, asking her if there was any court precedent for state attorney general to sue under the executive law.  The judge then continued to outline, "to upset a private business transaction that was between equally sophisticated partners, where the supposed victim had the ability and legal obligation to discover the allegedly misrepresented matters by conducting its own due diligence; where the supposed wrongdoer advised the supposed victim, through written disclaimers, to conduct its own due diligence and to draw its own conclusions; where the alleged misrepresentation almost entirely concerned inherently subjective valuations of properties and businesses; and where the victim never complained about any fraud." Another judge jumped in afterwards and states, "and I want to add to his question, little to no impacted on the public market place." 

This certainly did wiped the smile off the States Attorney's face almost immediately, as you can see in the video.  The States attorney Judith Vale went to answer the second judges comment first, about the little or no impact on the public, which she disagreed about it causing little to no impact, she then explain herself to the court.  Before Judith Vale could even finish up with the second question first, the first Judge then asked another question, "I suppose you are referring to the fact, that Trump received a lower interest rate then he otherwise might have received, but doesn't, duh-didnt (inaudible), having yourself conceded that the assets were sufficient to get the lower interest rate at the private wealth direction?"  The state attorney disagreed with the judges statement and stated that the evidence was to the contrary.

The state attorney kept trying to say the real information about Trumps assets would weight heavy on the loan rate given to the former president, because there wasn't good financial strength without the fraud and Deutsche Bank would have never given these loans to Trump, without these assets being inflated, but the first judge then said, that this did not appear to be to only factor and that the bank was weighing and this was not heavily weighed out of the 14 factors to get the loan.

It didn't get any better from this point either for State Attorney Vale, because a third judge then said, the case sounded like a potential commercial dispute between private actors, suggesting it’s not something the attorney general needed to get involved with, in the first place.

New York State Attorney Vale maintained that the way the law was wrote by the state legislature they were concerned with harms to the honest business people who don’t do the misconduct.

If this wasn't going bad enough for the state attorney, a fourth judge on the five-judge panel said, all these questions being asked so far, by the appellant court, were about a real concern of mission-creep in the use of this vague state law, which appears the law had morphed in to something it wasn’t meant to do.

State Attorney Vale stated that she wanted to push back on on the idea that Deutsche Bank never complained and wasn't harmed at all.  Stated Attorney Vale then states, "Deutsche Bank did complain when the bank first found out about the alleged statements and omissions, and that they raised serious concerns with the defendants." Vale continued to state Deutsche bank had said, "that statements in the financial statements would be an event of default, the bank had asked for more information, and when the bank didn't get more information, the bank exited the entire relationship with the Trumps.  Vale then stated that showed the bank cared about the financial statements being truthful and accurate..."

At this point the second judge then interrupts State Attorney Vale and an asks, "What year was that, in what year was that in,"  State Attorney Vale states, "That was in, it was right when they first heard about the allegation, so I believe it was 2020, your honor although I'd have to check the precise on that and masar as well, when masar found out about the alleged misstatement's and omissions, they also sent a letter stating these financial statements should not be relied upon anymore, so it is not true that the counter parties didn't care or never complained, even though that is not required for 63(12)."

You could tell by the way the second judge was asking this question of the State Attorney, it appears that he may have figured out that the bank had never made the original complaint and it was Attorney General Letitia James was likely the culprit who had caused the problems between Trump and the Deutsche Bank by interfering with Trump's business and the private party loan.

We here at Peer Reviewed Politics are not sure what can be done here, but to interfere with two private parties who are doing business together by the state is likely a violation of the state and federal law and it definitely appear to be an issue under constitutional law, because the constitution limits state powers (States are deprived of the powers to, for example, "impair the obligations of contracts," enact ex post facto laws, or pass bills of attainder) under Article 1 section 10.

One could say, that AG Letitia James and the trial court of the State of New York could also be in violation of this Executive 63(12) law, as they interfered and impaired a business contract and obligation for nothing more than political reasons.

No parties had complained about being defrauded or complained of any other illegal acts, until the State of New York appears to illegally start to interfere with the obligation of a contract, hence the Attorney General and the trial courts actions could have caused Trump to default on the business loans and other loans by the actions that were taken by the AG and the trial court against Trump's business.  These actions also could have also caused other investors to lose money in Trumps' businesses that Trump owns, which would have affected the market place.  The fact that the AG Letitia James and the trial court had no right to make appraisals of Trumps property or any other business assets or interfere with a private contract(s), because this is a power to impair an obligation of a contract by the state, which is expressly prohibited under the Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution.

CBS loses in Vice Presidential Debate like ABC.

New York City, NY: Last nights debate (October 01, 2024) was located at Studio 45 at the CBS Broadcast Center, a historic studio in New York City.  According to Communist Bureau of Socialism (AKA CBS), "New York City hadn't hosted a presidential or vice presidential general election debate since 1960, when John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon met for their fourth debate."  Probably with good reason.

In last night’s Vice Presidential debate with Governor Tim Walz on Minnesota and Senator JD Vance of Ohio, it again appears the media (CBS in this case) lost the debate again, like ABC did in the Presidential debate between Kamala "the Kackler" Harris and Former President Trump.  We could have told the Former President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance that the fix was in, before the debate even started.  We also highly recommend that the Trump campaign not do anymore of these debates, unless they have more of objective new media doing them like Real Americas Voice or NewsMax.  No matter what the RINO's' are telling the Trump campaign to do.  The Trump campaign needs to rid themselves of these hacks.

Why do we say the fix was in?  When we tuned in the moderator's of CBS (Margaret Brennan & Nora O’Donnell) or what we like to call Communist Bureau of Socialism were all about asking questions about January 6, 2020, Muslim ban, and other topics about the past Trump Administration.  You ask what is wrong with this? Nothing, all is fair in debates, but this is where the fairest ends, there was no questions to Tim “Tampon” Walz about the Harris Administrations handling of the inflation, which includes energy, food, gas, housing, price of merchandise like cars, trucks, shipping, wood, and many other market items being sold. There were no questions economy, the governments online censorship, unemployment numbers being manipulated and then revised month after month or the unemployment numbers being readjusted and revised down again after a little over six months into the year, by nearly a million people, which who now likely have lost the unemployment and are no longer being counted in the U3 statistics.

The CBS moderator's did not even ask about the U6 employment statistics either.  None of the CBS moderator's talked the Biden/Harris administrations dramatic drop in tax receipts of production and imports vs. the prior Trump administrations increases revenue from the tax receipts, which had not happened since 1975 or roughly over 45 years prior the Trump administration.

CBS moderators did not ask about all the illegal aliens who were freely let into the country by the Biden and Harris administration either.  CBS moderators did not ask Tampon Tim about the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement report of 650,000 criminal illegal aliens who were also let in to the United States after supposedly being vetted at the border.  Peer Reviewed Politics™ and other media outlet reported on this, with the exception of the Main Stream Media who did not report on this at all.  On September 28, 2024, we published an article on our website called, 'Kamala Harris Shows Up at U.S/Mexican Border as ICE Cools Her Photo Op.', which is below this article.  There were no questions about the checks from China, that the House Oversight Commission uncovered.  There were no question about the Political lawfare against Former President Trump, but the CBS moderator's' were worried about actions which could take place against the Biden/Harris administration for actual illegal activities like the illegal CBP phone application, taking money from foriegn countries, and other illegal activities we and other media sites like ours who have been reporting on for more than 3 1/2 years.  There were very few questions directed at Tampon Tim Walz about how the Biden/Harris administration have governed the country for last 3 1/2 years.

Prior to the debate, the rules where set by Trump campaign and agreed to by Harris Campaign and CBS on fact on checking during the Vice-Presidential debate, unlike the presidential debate with ABC (Always Been Communist) where ABC only had fact checked Former President Trump and did not fact check Kamala “The Kackler” Harris.

One of the debate questions that was asked of Senator Vance, about the Temporary Protected Status of Haitians, which by the way has been illegally given to the illegal aliens, including Haitian's by the Biden/Harris administration (Congress determines who are allowed to immigrate into the United States, not the President or Vice President), was asked of Senator JD Vance.  When the senator answered, his answer was fact checked by the good old communist moderator's that they are, violating the rules set forth in the debate.  After Senator JD Vance correctly answered the question, it all went sideways from there on.  Senator JD Vance answered the question and then called the moderator's out for fact checking him.  This really seemed to piss off the moderator's of course, because the answer to their question was not what the Communist Bureau of Socialism moderator's expected to hear.  Senator JD Vance truthful answered the question and then fact checked by the moderator's, but the moderator's went out of their way to interrupt the senator and then shut off JD Vance’s microphone after the senator called out the moderator's fact checking.  We need to remember, censorship does work if you don’t practice using it.  CBS and ABC are actually very good at this.

How this all started out, Margaret Brennan set out to clarify what was said by Senator JD Vance in his answer to the moderator's question about these illegal Haitian's, basically the moderator's were trying to fact check Senator Vance.  Moderator Margaret Brennan states to Senator Vance, “Just to clarify for our viewers, Springfield, Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status, Temporary Protected Status.”  Senator Vance then set out to clarify Moderator Margaret Brennan statement, but Margaret Brennan did every thing she could to interrupt Senator Vance’s clarification of what Margaret Brennan tried to fact check.  Margaret Brennan kept trying over and over to talk over Senator Vance and even said, “Senator, we have so much to get to.”  We here at Peer Reviewed Politics, say, “Really CBS, you have so much to get to, but you are not talking about present day politics, like Biden/Harris’s economy or current day illegal immigration, and other issues, but only putting out gotcha questions and comments on things the media claims that Trump is trying do, re-hashing the 2020 election, yet the media and these moderator''s are the ones bring up the subject of the 2020 election, not the Trump campaign.”

Senator Vance continues on to state, "Margaret, I think its important, because the rules were that you guys weren’t going to fact-check, and since you’re fact checking me, I think its important to say what’s actually going on.”  Senator Vance continues to state, “There’s an application called CBP One application, where you can go on as illegal migrant, apply for asylum or apply for parole, and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand.  That is not a person coming in, applying for a green card and waiting for 10 years.  That is facilitation of illegal immigration, Margaret, by our own leadership.”  While Senator Vance was saying this Margaret Brennan, she continued to try and talk over Senator Vance’s statement, then finally stating, “Thank you, senator, for describing the legal process.”  Vance finished up with saying, “Kamala Harris opened up that pathway.” and CBS proceeded to turned off the microphone.  We here at Peer Reviewed Politics, agree with the factual statement that Senator JD Vance had made in this statement.  It is consistent with Kamala “The Kackler” Harris duties that were given to Vice President Kackler on March 24, 2021 by then President “Sleepy” Joe Biden.

The lack of leadership or allowing illegal aliens the country purposefully has led to over 20,000 illegal aliens (Haitians) overwhelming the city of Springfield, OH., which has depleted city and medical resources to a point were tax payers can’t get the services they need.  The Ohio Governor Mike DeWine even ordered the State Patrol to step in help out with traffic laws, because of the overwhelming amount Haitian's that were dropped off in Springfield, OH. seem to be violating all kind of laws.  The Ohio Governor even stated that his state will be spending $2.5 million to just expand healthcare access alone.

Peer Reviewed Politics needs to clarify and fact check CBS and those moderators, because the constitution of the United States under Article I., Section 8, Clause 18. prevents the President and Vice President from making law including anything related to immigration, [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

There is a longstanding Supreme Court precedent which recognizes Congress as having “plenary” power over immigration, giving it almost complete authority to decide whether foreign nationals ( “aliens,” under governing statutes and case law) may enter or remain in the United States.

The Biden / Harris administration took it upon themselves to create this illegal phone application, which was not approved by congress and the “WeThePeople,” to allow illegal aliens to enter and remain in the United States under a “Temporary Protected Status” as the Communist Bureau of Socialism moderator Maragret Brennan claims or wants you to believe.

This phone application is not legal, its not constitutional, and we don’t know why anyone in the government is allowing the Biden and Harris administration to provide this phone application to allow illegal aliens to get into the United States in the first place.  This phone application was never authorized by congress to be used by the Biden / Harris or anyone else in the Biden/Harris administration.  It is affectively, allowing illegal aliens to enter illegally into the United States illegally without the express consent of Congress and the governed, “WeThePeople”.  By law the Biden/Harris administration and the employees who are enforcing these dictator or despot acts and/or orders are not only committing felonies, but are committing treason against the United States, pure and simple.  The worst part about all of this is Congress is not even getting involved to put an ended to the illegal use of this application, to enforce the laws that are in the books, and in the Constitution, which by the way have already been hashed out by the U.S. Surpreme Court, and bestowed upon congress.

Not sure when Maragret Brennan became an expert on plenary powers, but she could have easily fact checked herself before opening her communist mouth up at a debate by reading the consitution, whereas she and CBS had agreed that there would be no fact checking in this debate.  So much for rules and laws.  So this is why we fact checked Senator Vance and he appears to be 100% correct in what he said last night.

We should also mention, Tampon Tim lied multiple times in last nights in the debate.  This was the most proved lie of the debate, which was previously was fact checked and Kamala Harris had stated a woman had died because she did not get an abortion.  Kackler Harris brought this up before and was fact checked on it to by the Washington Examiner.  Of course if fact checking Kamala “the Kackler” Harris was good enough, the big dummy Tampon Tim Walz had to repeat the lie again, because you know Democrats obviously think if you repeat the lie enough, it will become truth.  Read more about it here on the Washington Examiner.

Kamala Harris Shows Up at U.S/Mexican Border as ICE Cools Her Photo Op.

Picture of Vice President Kamala The Kackler Harris at the Border with Border Patrol Brass

Douglas, AZ: Vice President Kamala "The Kackler" Harris decides to shows up at the border on Friday, late today.  The Kackler meet with border patrol brass today as she walk along with two border agents on a dirt road in Douglas, Arizona next to the wall that divides the United States and Mexico.  The funniest part about it, this is the same wall that former President Trump had built and there are no sections of the wall missing from this photo op.  Another funny thing is the so-called border czar and her boss, let in more than 21 million illegal aliens into the United States during her tenure.

The Kackler today called for a tougher stance on asylum in her photo op at the border with talks with Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin from the Tucson Sector who is on the right and U.S. Border Agent in Charge Blaine Bennett from Douglas Station on the left.

Vice President Kackler now wants to get tough on on asylum?  Really, VP Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden broke the border allowing illegal aliens to pour into our country and now are allowing them to become citizens at a record pace.  Another funny part about this is that this is the same Vice President who was given the job to secure the border by President "Sleepy" Joe Biden on March 24, 2021.  Sleepy Joe designated Vice President Harris to address the ‘‘root causes’’ of illegal immigration into the United States.  The media also gave Kamala Harris the title of Border Czar.

This all is a bunch of baloney and nothing but gas lighting.  Vice President Kackler went as far to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) at the Homeland Security and DC Circuit Court Confirmations hearing in November 2018.

You can watch the video here

The Kackler and Democrats have no plans whatsoever to secure the border.  Don't fooled, if Democrats and the Kackler had any plans to secure the border they would have passed HR2 in the Senate and the president would have signed it.

Instead Senator Chuck Schummer, Senate Majority Leader killed the bill and refuse to take a vote on it in order to put all the senators on record.

Instead of passing HR2, which had teeth, the Senate produced a very weak bill that would allow 5,000 illegal immigrants a day, giving automatic work permits to asylum recipients, the border would never closes, and it would be a magnet for more illegal immigration on top of all the free money that was slid into the bill which was ear-marked for Ukraine.

Senator Rubio said, "the Democrats bill would have led to the hiring of bureaucrats who would easily let people into the country to give them work permits or asylum and a path to citizenship." The bill failed in the Senate on a 49-50 vote.  If the bill would have been a tie vote, Vice President Kackler would have been the deciding vote in the Senate and she would have passed it, as she said so at her border photo op on September 27, 2024.  Anyhow, the thankfully that bill would have been dead in the house if it would have passed.

Mean while back at the ranch, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was busy putting Vice President Kamala "The Kackler" Harris photo op at the border on ICE.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement released of new data showing that, as of July 21, 2024, nearly 650,000 criminal illegal aliens were currently on ICE’s Non-Detained Docket (NDD) and roaming free in communities throughout the United States.

Here the breakdown of the data on the criminal aliens.

  • Homicide: 14,944
  • Sexual Assault: 20,061
  • Assault: 105,146
  • Burglary/Larceny/Robbery: 60,268
  • Traffic Offenses: 126,343
  • Weapon Offenses: 16,820
  • Kidnapping: 3,372
  • Commercialized Sexual Offenses: 3,971

According to ICE, this figure includes roughly 15,000 individuals convicted of or charged with murder, more than 20,000 of sexual assault, and more than 105,000 of assault.  I guess someone at Immigration and Customs Enforcement doesn't like Vice President Kackler.

Chairman Green of the Homeland Security Comittee stated, “It may be shocking to hear that the Biden-Harris administration is actively releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove this to be the case.  This defies all common sense.  Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ Vice President Harris, DHS law enforcement has been directed to mass-release illegal aliens whom they know have criminal convictions or are facing charges for serious crimes—and these dangerous, destructive individuals are making their way into every city and state in this country.  How many more Americans need to die or be victimized before this administration is forced to abide by the laws they swore to uphold?  This is madness.  It is something no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate.”

We here at Peer Reviewed Politics agree with Chairman Green.  It's appallingly that over 21 million people were let into the United States with nearly 3/4's of a million of these illegal aliens are harden criminals, this not counting the aliens who got away, either.

Some of the bad things about this many illegal aliens entering the country is WeThePeople are paying for this with our taxes, because these illegals are getting welfare (food and cash and we are talking about a lot of money for food and a lot of cash on their EBT cards), medical, housing, cars, discounted power and utilities, hotels, clothes, and a whole lot more.  Don't believe it?  Well, we came with receipts.

Here is a EBT reciept from an illegal alien

Picture EBT reciept from an illegal alien

Did you note how much is still on the EBT card?  The food stamp balance is $13401.82.  Yes, you read that right.  Theres a cash balance of $4498.65 on the EBT card too.  This not the only person that came forward about these balances either.  There are cashiers who have been seeing and reporting the samething.  The guy showing this receipt is a veteran and his checks don't add up to this for many months.  Average person on Social Security don't get this kind of money for two to three months.  It just sick, Americans living off nothing and these illegal are living the lapse of luxury.

Now, here's the double whammy, as you are paying for this with your taxes, your government borrowed this money to give to the illegal alien, so now you're paying the interest on the debt too for this.

Now the third whammy, ohhh you did think we were done yet, did you?  Since you have 21 plus million illegal aliens that came in to the United States in about 3 1/2 years of the Biden/Haris administration, you already had 40 plus million illegal aliens who were living here illegally prior to these 21 million just coming in recently.  With this many people here are illegally in the United States, it creates a resource shortages in our country.  Plus with the added inflation, you are now paying more for food, power, utilities, rent, mortgages, cars, gas, clothes and a whole lot more.

You can't say you were not warned either, if go woke, you go broke.  Don't laugh if you are not woke, it affects you too.  So remember in this November, you vote has consequence and the former President can't fix all this alone, he needs help in the House of Representative and in the Senate.

2024 Economic Report of the President was Released.

Picture of the front cover of the 2024 Economic Report of the President

Peer Reviewed Politics: We were able to get a copy of this 2024 Economic Report of the President, which the media has not publish or done a narrative on it, which maybe because its a little known report that is about 487 pages and comes from the President Office.

These reports are transmitted to congress for their review.  This report was transmitted to congress in March 2024.  Also included in this report is an Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers.

This report is from the President's Office, so for anyone at the White House to claim that they don't know what the heck is going on in the economy at the White House is a liar.  Kamala "The Kackler" Harris can't not say she has no ideal what is going on with the economy, immigration, and other kitchen table economics in our homes.  Vice President Kackler either knows what's in this report or she is negligent in her fiduciary duties as Vice President in reading this report.

In the TV debate that was held on September 10, 2024 with the VP Kamala Harris and Former President Trump, VP Kackles-a-Lot answered some questions about what she would do, if she would become President of the United States.  VP Kackles gave really no incite on how she was going to go about fixing the economy or why the Biden Administration hasn't already done something about the problem going on in the economy.

ABC News really failed here on trying to get VP Harris to elaborate on her policies and fact checking her on her statements like they did with Former President Trump.  ABC News did not even ask about the present shape of the economy right now.  Remember, Vice President Harris is an advisor to President Joe "Sleep Joe" Biden, so their really is no excuse for her to say she's not responsible for what's going on right now in this country with core inflation, the border crisis, spending, food insecurity, energy, cost, homeliness, U.S. income decline, the GDP, censorship, and communism among many other issues.

In Peer Reviewed Politics opinion; ABC really drop the ball and looked very bias towards Trump by fact checking Trump, but not fact checking Harris, as well giving Kackler Harris a bypass on the questions ABC News asked her, which she never answered.  In fact, Peer Reviewed Politics counted at least 27 times and ABC News never called her out on any of these lies.

One of the question ABC News asked VP Kackler Harris if she thought the economy was better today than four years ago.  VP Kackles-a-lot never answered the question and ABC News just let her drone on about some feel good platitudes she would do if elected, all of which had no significance on fixing anything in the economy or at the border, more or less her answer was cliché statement.

Fast forward, Former President Trump outlined it best at the end of Tuesdays debate when commenting on Kackler Harris's answers on what she would do, if she was chosen as president.  President Trump said, "So she just started by saying she's going to do this, she's going to do that, she's going to do all these wonderful things.  Why hasn't she done it?  She been there for 3 1/2 years.  They have had 3 1/2 years to fix the border.  They have had 3 1/2 years to create jobs and all the things we talked about.  Why hasn't she done it?  She should leave right now, go down to that beautiful White House, go to the Capital, get everyone together and do the things you want to do?  But, you haven't done it and you won't do it, because you believe in things that the American people don't believe in."

Former President Trump is correct, why hasn't the VP Kamala Harris done all the things she said she would do in the debate, if elected as the president of the United States?  Inquiring minds would like to know...

In the 2024 Economic Report of the President, it outlines what the President and Vice President should already known about the state of our economy.  This is supposedly is the administration's report to congress, so why is Kackler Harris naive to the problems listed in the report thats going on in the country?  Why did the Kackler Harris not answer the question that ABC News David Muir accidentally asked on Tuesday about, "If we are better off than we were 4 years ago."  We noticed there was no follow up by ABC News when she failed to answer that question either.

Peer Reviewed Politics believes we know why VP Kackles did not answer the question, its because there is too much proof out there like this 2024 Economic report, which doesn't paint a rosy picture of the Biden/Harris administration ability to run a country.  The administration know that organizations like ours will fact check them on their lies.

The 2024 Economic Report of the President starts out to show things are not so bad, by cherry picking things certain things and putting them at the beginning of this 487 page report Biden/Harris published and delivered congress in March of 2024 report.  After about 6 months has gone by since the report was release, revised the employment numbers in the report by almost a million jobs which never existed.  When you dig into the report, there is no rosy picture being painted anymore, you can see the doom and gloom in the report that is happening in our economy.  Yet, know one hears anything about this report, WHY?  Did congress get passed the first twenty to thirty pages of the report?  It certainly doesn't look like congress or the media read it at all, otherwise why was this information given to the American people>

As you dig deep into the report, you see things that the public was not being told.  In NBC news report on April 9, 2024, stated that inflation remained elevated and price growth accelerated from 3.2% to 3.5% and that there was a worker shortage and workers were being paid more, but revised employment numbers at the end of August of 2024 this year, shows there were 818,000 less jobs than initially reported by BLS.  The media don't mention the 2024 Economic Report of the President either, because these job numbers were incorrect with in the report.

Peer Review Politics read through the 2024 Economic Report of the President and here is some of what we found.  So, why did the media and/or congress not tell the American people about what was in this report?

We are going list a few things we found in the 2024 Economic Report of the President, but not all of the report.  We also are not going to list this information in order in the way the report was wrote either.  The first things we want to mention are of important significance to the well being of our economy.  These things will address what was said and not said in debate that was held on Tuesday, September 09, 2024.  Now since you all heard what the Kackler had said in the debate, ask yourself, why hasn't the Kackler Harris fixed these things, while she has been in the office?  Remember, Kamala Harris is an advisor to President Biden and also was named the border czar, too.

The first and second things we will address in this report are Net Interest Cost and Bureau of Labor Statics ( job numbers.  These numbers are important as it tells congress, the stock market, and the public how the economy is doing based on inflation and employment.  Interest rates for inflation are also adjusted by job number reports too.

According to the CBO, the level of deficit spending during a time of peace and economic expansion is unprecedented and is not expected to slow soon.  Annual deficits are expected to accelerate considerably over the next ten years, surpassing $2.5 trillion in FY2034, according to CBO.

  • Below is the Net Interest On the Debt graph that was in 2024 Economic Report of the President.

    Graph of Net Interest On the Debt

Rising interest costs on the debt are propelling deficit growth.  In response to the spike in inflation observed in 2021 and 2022, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates.  The result has been an increase in interest costs, with net interest payments on the debt nearly doubling over the past three fiscal years, growing from $352 billion in FY2021 to $658 billion in FY2023.

Because of the rise in interest rates and the growing debt, by the end of this fiscal year net interest costs as a share of outlays will have more than doubled since 2017, growing to be larger than the defense budget.  The OMB and CBO say, "By FY2026, net interest payments are expected to exceed $1 trillion."  Well it appears the OBM and CBO are wrong about this, because the interest rates are high enough we are now adding $1 trillion in net interest payments every 100 days.

The OMB and CBO said, "Persistent deficits are projected to raise the debt-to-GDP ratio from 99 percent in 2024 to 116 percent by 2034."  The OMB and CBO are again wrong, they claim debt-to-GDP is at 99%, but according to the, we are at 123.44% and the year 2024 is not over yet.  Its very likely if things stay the same and we don't default, are debt-to-GDP will be about 164.44% in 2034.

The average person right now is paying over a $1000.00 per year for interest on the debt from your taxes.  By 2034, its likely the average person will be paying well over $2000.00 per year for interest, that is if we don't default on the debt first.

In the Jobs report by BLS, it states after the Biden Administration being in office for over three years, President Biden has overseen an unprecedented 15.6 million new jobs, and the report claims this is the fastest job growth in history of our country.  Now remember, on August 21, 2024, there was a revised Bureau of Labor Statistics’ preliminary annual benchmark review of employment data was released to the media and it suggests that there were 818,000 fewer jobs in March of this year than were initially reported in 2024 Economic Report of the President to congress.  So the 2024 Report of the President is incorrect about these years being the fastest job growth in history.  Actual these jobs where not really lost, they were part of a recovery after the pandemic.

You can find revised job report here at CNN.

  • Below is the graph that was in 2024 Economic Report of the President. graph of jobs added in the 2024 Economic Report of the President.

The data shows in the last three years in office by he Biden Administration after the Trump Administration, with the revised job numbers were less that the amount of jobs that came back after the pandemic in the finally months of the Trump administration.

According to, the remaining share of inflation in 2021 was likely due to supply chain pressures that arose from the reopening of the economy.  If not for the Biden Administration beginning one of the largest regulatory expansions in history, which limited supply in the face of a fiscal surge, inflation would likely have been less severe, and some of the inflationary pressures may have abated more quickly.  Since January 2021, a total of over $1.6 trillion in regulatory cost has been added.

As Peer Review Politics stated in the past, all the spending by the Biden Administration caused inflation, but killing off supply line for oil really hurt the economy and caused steep increases in cumulative CPI inflation reaching 20 plus percent from the beginning of 2021 to April 2024.  VP Harris claims she has a solution, but since she is an advisor to the president, where is her plan and why has she not implemented it?

  • Below is the CPI Inflation and Core CPI Inflation graph that was in 2024 Economic Report of the President.

    Graph of CPI Inflation and Core CPI Inflation.

BLS stated, increasing interest rates raised the cost of borrowing and put downward pressure on current demand.  The impact has been widespread, from higher mortgage payments to larger interest costs for the Federal government.  Inflation has since moderated but remains well above the Federal Reserve’s long-run target.

The number of households with children who were food insecure also rose in 2022: up to 3.3 million households (8.8% of U.S. households with children) from 2.3 million households in 2021 and 2.9 million households in 2020.

  • Below is the Food Insecurity graph that was in 2024 Economic Report of the President.

    Graph of Food Insecurity.

The Bureau of Labor Statics says, cost are increasingly eating up larger shares of family income with a particular impact on those with low incomes.  Early Childhood education.  When parents cannot find or afford care, they may be forced to work less or may be unable to focus on work when they otherwise would.  This is particularly challenging for parents who may need to provide elder care for other family members soon after having children: individuals ages 45 to 64 are most likely to provide elder care.

  • Below is the ECE Price Growth graph that was in 2024 Economic Report of the President.

    Graph of CECE Price Growth.

As you can see the OMB, the CBO, and BLS are reporting serious problems with the economy and the Biden/Harris administration have had no ideas how to fix these problems.  If the Biden/Harris administration had not touched the economy, not shutdown energy supply lines, not run up the debt by Kackler Harris being the deciding vote to pass two different spending bills and then dismantled the Trumps Title 43 to protect the border, our economy would be still doing good and its likely we would be paying down the debt down, instead of adding a $1 trillion in interest to the debt every 100 days.

The worst part is if we have down turn in the economy, we will have no leverage to get ourselves out of the recession and it will likely lead to a depression or even a default.

VP Kamala Harris gas lighting the electorate by stating if she is elected, she will take care of the problems we have, but being an advisor to the president, if she had any idea of how to fix the economy, she and President would have done it already.  VP Kamala "The Kacker" Harris is just full of it and she should not be trusted whatsoever.

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attributions: Peer Review Politics - @Teapartier_Al on / 2024 Peer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @teapartier_al on X.comDate: September 07, 2024Video Clip(s) Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Summary Credit: 

Denver Jewelry Heist Done by Venezuelan Illegal Alien Gang were Caught in El Paso.

EL PASO, Texas: On June 24, 2024, a Denver jewelry shop owned by shop Joyeria El Ruby, which is family-owned and operated, which has been a member of the Denver community for 24 years was robbed by a Venezuelan Illegal Alien Gang that crossed the wide-open Biden and Harris administration border.

This Venezuelan gang made off with an undisclosed amount of jewelry, and police in Denver put out a lookout for eight Spanish males whose likeness were caught on camera in the video above. The robbery was caught in video above this article, it shows one Venezuelan man in the shop, three Venezuelan men waiting in the cage to get in to the store area and four other Venezuelan men storming the back of the store, violently going after the all-female staff and store customers.  The illegal aliens pulled guns on the employees and customers, forcing their way into an office and then pistol whipping two women who dropped to the floor from being hit.  Another woman can be seen grabbing a baby and then running out of the office through a back door during the robbery.

You might be asking why this is all happening and why its not being reported in the national news.  Well, the Biden / Harris administration immediately after entering office in January 20, 2021 started dismantling the Trump Era Title 42 policies and other Trump executive orders as soon as the Biden / Harris administration had taken office.

The Biden and Harris administration on day started legislation to offer legal status to well over 20 million illegal aliens, repealing Trump's restrictions on a travel ban from several Muslim-majority countries, and stopping the construction of the Southern border wall.  Month's later, the Biden and Harris administration even started to sell off pieces of the uninstalled border wall steel for scrap, costing tax payers billions in material costs.

The Biden - Harris legislative package that was sent to Congress, for pathway to citizenship for an estimated 20 to 40 million illegal aliens who entered the United States without legal status, but it never passed the House.  It was dead on arrival.  The Biden - Harris administration promised to end the strict immigration policies that the Trump administration had put in place, while the Former President was in office.  Eventually, Biden and Harris ended the Trump era policies by executive orders.

Click on the picture to read the document.

Picture of Termination of the Migrant Protection Protocols Program Document

The Trump era policies focused on building and completing a border wall, restricting eligibility for asylum, and creation of the Remain in Mexico immigration policy that worked better that anything that any modern president or congress has done in recent history.  You would need to go back to the era of President Eisenhower to find any effective policies that are comparable.  These Trump era policies were implemented in the first day of the Trump presidency in January 2019.  Promises made, promises kept.

The fact that the Biden - Harris administration made executive orders to end the Trump policies on the border it has caused a flood of illegal aliens to enter the United States illegal.  Lots of these people who have entered the United States have terrorist ties, are gang members, or came from prisons and mental institutions from other countries live Venezuela.  Crime got so bad that the Biden and Harris administration put policies in place to essentially make it hard to for police agencies to report crimes to the FBI who keeps track of crime data.  So, there has been an under reporting of crime in the United States caused by all these illegal aliens do to these policy changes by the White House.

Click on the picture to read the bulletin.

Picture of Criminal Victimization, 2022 Bulletin

We were able to find documents of folks who report these crimes and the Justice Department puts out a Summary of this information.  When we obtained this report it was unbelievable in the amount of crimes taken place from 2021 to 2022.  According to public reported crimes to the FBI, crime has increased by more than 44%.  Crime had not been this high since the Obama Administration.  This is the reason why the main stream media is not reporting this information to the public, because it would ruin the chance of Biden - Harris administration of winning the 2024 election, as it rightfully should.  This administration has put people and business in harms way by having an open border, which any Tom, Dick, or Harry could walk into this country, get a free hotel, free food, money for guns, and police that are told not to arrest any illegal alien committing a crime, just look the other way.

Luckily, on Thursday, June 25th, a SWAT team entered a Motel 6, while a helicopter hovered above in the city of El Paso, TX as Homeland Security Investigations along with the Denver Police Department initiated a raid activity on this Motel in El Paso.

According to Federal officials, a 23-year-old Oswaldo Lozada-Solis, 20-year-old Jesus Daniel Lara Del Toro, 21-year-old Jean Franco Torres-Roman and 18-year-old Edwuimar Nazareth Colina-Romero were identified as illegal alien Venezuelan nationals.  These four men were indicted by a grand jury on charges related to the armed robbery of the Jewelry store owner Joyeria El Ruby's in Denver, CO.

Federal investigators told the Denver Post that this gang is an emerging threat in Denver, where thousands of Venezuelan migrants have resettled as well as in and other U.S. cities, according to a statement from Homeland Security Investigations regional spokeswoman Alethea Smock.  Yet, for some odd reason the Governor Jared Polis of the State of Colorado, claims this is nothing more than a figment of peoples imagination.

You can read more about your imagination
at the New York Post.

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attributions: Peer Review Politics - @Teapartier_Al on / Denver Post - By Lauren Penington / New York Post - By Jennie TaerPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @teapartier_al on X.comDate: September 07, 2024Video Clip(s) Duration: 00:02:05Photos and Summary Credit: Video Clip - by: Courtney From at KDVR Fox31

Remember in November that Elections do have Consequences.

Blink Surveillance photo of illegal Alien Gang

Aurora CO.: - An Illegal Alien Venezuelan gang infiltrates the Edge at Lowry apartments, which these apartments near Dallas Street and 12th Avenue in Aurora CO.  This apartment complex is operated by CBZ Management.  According to KDVR news in Colorado, the Fitzsimons Apartment complex, which is near the Edge apartments on Nome Street and Colfax Avenue and is also operated by CBZ Management was closed by the City of Aurora abatement process because it was unfit and unsafe for people to live in.

On August 18, 2024, according to residents that live near by said ware fare like shootings broke out in a parking lot at about 11:30pm, whereas the shooting at the complex at the corner of Dallas Street and East 12th Avenue.  KDVR posted a Surveillance video clip from a Blink Camera, which shows a bunch of armed men who were carrying long rifles and pistols going door to door prior the shooting that left a man with life threatening injuries.

Blink Surveillance photo of illegal Alien Gang

One of the residence said that they have made unsucessful complaints about a multitude of issues at the complex.  The resident said they would call the phone numbers on lease and all the phone lines are disconnected and they leasing company is not answering there e-mails either.  The resident at the complex said their vehicle was riddled with bullet holes.  Another resident who lives at the complex stated, "Every night there is shooting everywhere. I’m scared."

According to these residents at the complex told KDVR these problems began when migrant began moving in, about six to seven months ago and that when all the trash started building up.

This is what happens when you elect a President, Vice President, and corrupt DHS Secretary who leave our border wide open and are allowing airlifts to bring in millions of illegal aliens into the United States to where governors and mayors have delared Sanctuary city policies in their states and cities.  Yes, elections do have consequences.

Robert F. Kennedy Address to the Nation in Suspending his Presidential Bid

PHOENIX AZ - Breaking News: Today, Robert F Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign for President of the United States of America and has endorsed Former President Donald Trump for President of the United States.

RFK did not stop short either of just suspending his campaign either in his video.  Robert F Kennedy blasted the Democrat party as a corrupt war monger party who has been getting social media and the Main Stream Scumbag News to censor his and Donald Trumps campaign as well as other information being reported on social media and to the national and local news stations.

Kennedy also held no punches against the Democrats and U.S. Government either.  RFK Jr. stated that the Democrat party is not the same party he grew up with.  RFK Jr. stated the party he grew up were champions of the constitution, of civil rights, and the Democrats stood against authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, imperialism, and unjust wars.

RFk Jr. continued to stat that they were the party of labor, of the working class.  The Democrats were the party of government transparency and champions of the environment.  Our party was against big money interest and corporate power.  True to its name, it was the part of democracy.

RFK Jr stated, "As you know I left that party in October, because it departed so dramatically from the core values I grew up with..."  RFK Jr. continued, "It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag (inaudible), and big money."

RFK Jr. blamed the Harris administration of abandoning democracy and canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president.

RFK Jr. thanked all those who helped in his campaign especially those who donated and were on social security and wanted to thank everyone who helped his campaign.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. slapped down the un-honest election system, complaining the election system is not open, debates are not fair, primaries don't have regularly scheduled debates, with truly independent media which is untainted with government propaganda and censorship.  A system of non-partisan courts and election boards.

RFK Jr complained of the DNC waging legal warfare against Former President Trump and RFK Jr's when turned in massive amounts of signatures.  RFK Jr. accused the DNC of a sham primaries, which was rigged to protect Biden and Harris administration.  He did not stop there either...  RFK Jr. laid into the DNC as being corrupt and inept.

RFK Jr also called out Main Stream Scum bag news and social media for being lap-dogs and corrupt for only providing RFK Jr with two interviews, which had inflammatory smears and hit pieces done on him.  RFK Jr. accused the scum bag news (ABC, NBC, CBS and so on) and social media of being mouth pieces for the Biden and Harris.

RFK Jr. then continued to blasted Biden / Harris administration for lying to the public about the war in Ukraine who has been siphoning taxpayer money from the poor and middle class citizens in order to provoke a war between Russia and Ukraine, whereas RFK Jr. stated that this war had been originally settled between Ukraine and Russia through a peace agreement which was signed between the two parties, but the United States (Biden and Harris administration) then interfered with this peace agreement and got Ukraine in to fight a war with Russia

The end result of Biden and Harris administration had been meddling in this war, which has caused over 1/2 million young Ukrainians and over 100 thousand young Russians being killed in the war and $200 plus billion of US Tax payer money has been spent for nothing.  Kennedy stated that the United States war complex has also installed more nuclear weapons in Europe.  Kennedy also said the public is being lied to by our government and big pharma about the vaccines.

Robert F Kennedy then blasted the FDA, NIH, HHS, and USDA for food safety, soil regeneration and putting the public at risk of disease from their meddling with the environment.

RFK Jr. then states he wants to unify our nation to save our children by working together with the Trump Administration.

Kennedy's' speech last over 50 plus minutes and continued on some stations, but most of the scumbag media cut away from Kennedy's speech after Kennedy stated that he was suspending his campaign.

Below is the full video of RFK Jr. from PBS News.


EMERGENCY YOUR ATTENTION IS IMMEDIATELY NEEDED: Everyone needs to call their U.S. representative(s) and senator(s) this week.  You want to know why illegal aliens have been voting in our elections?  We just got this information from True the Vote and they are asking everyone to call their United States Senators and Representatives immediately and to asked them what the heck is going on.  The state our country and future depends on you getting involved before this election.

According to Title 18 U.S. Code illegal aliens are allowed to vote in our elections, if that illegal alien thinks they are a citizen of this country.  The illegal alien doesn't get in trouble if they claim they think they are a citizen of the United States.  This one of the most asinine laws ever written in the history of this country and it violates the Constitution of the United States.

If we all don't do something now, the democrats are going to get away with cheating again.  Charges need to be filed against those who enacted this illegal statue in the law as well as anyone who enforces it in the states, as this violates the Constitution on who may vote in this country.

Read this U.S. law, as it is written, especially (c.) (3.).  We believe is why the Supreme court never got involved in overturning the last election and they were silent on this law.

18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens.

    (a.) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless—

  • (1.) The election is held partly for some other purpose;
  • (2.) Aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and
  • (3.) Voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices.
  • (b.) Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

    (c.) Subsection (a.) does not apply to an alien if

  • (1.) Each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);
  • (2.) The alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and
  • (3.) The alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.

Call the House and Senate Switch Board immediately, do not wait...
Phone: 202-224-3121
TTY: 202-225-1904

Click here for the names of the sponsors of this unconstitutional law on October 30, 2000

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attributions: Peer Review Politics / Alan Hoffer / True The Vote / @WallStreetApes - On X.comPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @teapartier_al on X.comDate: August 18, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:06:26Photos and Summary Credit: Tucker Carlson Uncensored

Peer Review Politics and their Journalist Gets Censored on Facebook Again

Washington State and Georgia: Peer Review Politics has a Facebook page and their journalist Alan Hoffer posted on the Peer Review Politic's Facebook page an investigative video, which is hosted on  On August 16, 2024, Peer Reviewed Politics posted this investigation article, which this investigation was done, on illegal aliens voting in U.S. elections, by the Oversight Project, which is part of the Heritage Foundation.

Shortly after our journalist posted this investigation video on our Facebook page, Facebook tagged it as being false and remove it from public view, calling it false information and physical harm, claiming that it goes against community standards.  This video does not show the faces of the illegal aliens as they were blurred out by the Oversight Project.

The illegal aliens in this video were surveyed were at an apartment complex that was identified as an apartment complex that houses illegal aliens.  Getting government records on illegal aliens has been made next to impossible to get from the Biden and Harris Administration.  In the investigative video these non-citizens were asked questions about their immigration status and were asked if they were registered to vote in U.S. elections.  These non-citizens answered the interviewers questions and clearly stated that they were not U.S. citizens either in English or Spanish. These non-citizens were asked if they were registered to vote in U.S. elections too and approximate 14% of the complex that did answer the interviewers survey stated they were register to vote.  Other questions these non-citizens were asked about is who had registered them to vote in our elections.  These aliens in the video were honest and answered all the questions of the people who were doing these video interview surveys.  Some of the aliens, even proudly stated that they had already had voted in prior elections too.

What it appears from the video interviews is that these non-citizens did not know its a felony to vote in U.S. elections, if you are not a citizen of the United States, because none of these non-citizens ever answered that went to register to voted, but instead were told that they could vote by government employees and entities and were given a registration to do so.

Under Federal Law, bring in, knowing, reckless disregard of federal law, concealing, harboring, or shielding from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such an alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation is against Federal Law, (see 8 U.S. Code § 1324) and it is a felony.  This is law is called, 'Bringing in and Harboring certain Aliens', whereas this offense can result in huge fines under title 18 and you can also be imprisoned anywhere from 1 to 20 years, or even get both these of punishments depending on the severity of the crime.  Registering non-citizens to vote in a U.S. Election is a reckless disregard of the law and is considered a very serious felony, which could carry a huge fines and imprisonment up to 20 years.

On Peer Reviewed Politics Facebook page, Facebook and one of its Facebook Fact checkers, Lead Stories claimed our that Peer Reviewed Politics post, which was investigated and reported by the Heritage Foundation, was false information and was doing physical harm.  Below are posts that Facebook made in Peer Reviewed Politics notification form.

Picture of Facebook's claim of false reporting and phyical harm

Picture of Facebook's claim of false reporting and phyical harm

Picture of Facebook's claim of false reporting and phyical harm

In another unrelated post about Thomas Matthew Crooks, who attempted to assassinate Former President Trump, after nearly 50,000 views, Facebook also decided to take down this post too and called it false information and physical harm.  Since the election has been getting closer, Facebook has stepped up their censoring of all our posts.

The fact that Facebook and Lead Stories concealing and censoring unlawful acts from the law enforcement in Heritage's investigation and our reporting of it to authorities and the public on our page, this we believe this would constitute reckless a disregard of federal law for trying to conceal, harbor, or shielding from detection of illegal activities by non-citizens and government officials and other entities.

These non-citizens answered Heritage investigators questions on their own accord without threats, intimidation, or any type reprisal of law or violence. This folks made voluntary video testimony on their own accord stating they were not citizens of the United States and they were being registered vote by government officials and other entities and some of these non-citizen were already voting in our U.S. Elections.  Also, these non-citizens also stated that government officials and other entities had illegally registering these non-citizens to vote in U.S. Elections.  The fact that Facebook and Lead Stories are trying to cover up and censor this information from law enforcement and the public domain are violations federal law.

These acts of trying to cover up and censoring criminal acts by Facebook and Lead Stories, whereas these acts were exposed by an investigation, which clearly shows witness testimony of unlawful acts done by government officials, other entities, this would also constitute a violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act for trying to cover this up.  This is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for racketeering acts performed, which serves to expose a crime.  Facebook is not a publisher and has no right to interfere with investigation reporting by censoring reports of malfeasance on a public forum.  RICO laws were enacted by Title IX of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, and is codified at 18 U.S.C. ch.96 as 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968.

The Oversight Project has referred this matter to Georgia officials and stated that they more than happy to cooperate with a law enforcement investigation.  The Oversight Project also stated, "We would be willing to share the underpinning details and blurred images."

We here at Peer Reviewed Politics are asking Congress and law enforcement to look into this and we are asking our viewers to also contact your representatives and senators about this video as this proves election interference by government officials and other entities.  We are suppose to be country of laws not a communist nation.

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attributions: Peer Review Politics / Alan Hoffer / Oversight Project - Heritage FoundationPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @teapartier_al on X.comDate: August 18, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:03:26Photos and Summary Credit: Oversight Project - Heritage Foundation

Investigator Jerry Dunleavy Who Worked for Foriegn Affairs Committee's Chairman McCaul (R-Texas), Resigns.

Washington DC: We here at Peer Reviewed Politics were watching the Jesse Kelly show on August 12th, which does a Quick Witted Conservative show on The First TV, which you can also find Jesse and FirstTV on too, (@JesseKellyDC on @TheFirstonTV).

Anyhow, Mr. Kelly hosted a Jerry Dunleavy who worked with Chairman Michael McCaul (Republican Representative for Texas) & his Committee on the Foriegn Affairs Committee, resigned as an Senior Investigator for the Foriegn Affairs Committee (@HouseForeignGOP on on Friday, August 9, 2024.

Picture of Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas)

Jerry Dunleavy is an author of the book called “KABUL: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco”.  Mr. Dunleavy was also an Ex-DOJ Reporter at DC Examiner (@DCExaminer on  Jerry Dunleavy shared his story with the Jesse Kelly show, why he resigned as Senior Investigator for the Foriegn Affairs Committee.  Mr. Dunleavy stated his reasons for resigning was because the committee was failing to properly hold the Biden-Harris Admin accountable for the Afghan debacle.  More or less, Mr. Dunleavy called it a dog and pony show that was being put on for the benefit of the U.S. Taxpayer, without any benefits to the tax payer at all.  Its just a big show and cover up for Sleepy Joe Biden and the Kackler Kamala Harris.

Jerry Dunleavy posted his two page letter resignation on for the world to see.  Mr. Dunleavy stated that Chairman Michael McCaul and the committee have been refusing to do 'even the most basic things' to get answers for our Gold Star families.

From what we heard and read so far from Jerry Dunleavy, these hearings have been nothing short of a big waste of Tax Payer money and have provided no answers to the Gold Star families and We the People.  What it appears is that these investigations have failed to bring forward and hold those who were responsible for this Afghan debacle and it has only allowed those who failed to protect those 13 service members who were killed in Kabul attack on August 26, 2021, which has been almost three years to date now, to get away with their incompetence.  Since, nothing is being done, this is very likely this is going to happen again

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attributions: Jerry Dunleavy - @JerryDunleavy on X.comPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @teapartier_al on X.comDate: August 13, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:05:17Photos and Summary Credit: Chairman McCaul's Picture - / Video and Resignation Letter - @JerryDunleavy on

Older Headlines

Would the Last Person at the U.S. Based Antibiotic Pharmaceutical Company, Please Turn Off the Lights...

Picture of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer USAntibiotics, LLC

Breaking News: Peer Reviewed Politics caught a former Republican presidential campaign adviser Bart Marcois blowing the whistle and briefly mentioning on Friday, August 02, 2024, that one of the last antibiotic manufactures in the United States, USAntibiotics LLC, may be closing its doors after being saved already once by Jackson Health Care in April 2021.  With Jackson Health Care stepping up to the plate, the U.S. based antibiotic manufacture reopened its doors on August 30, 2021, after the company had slipped into bankruptcy.

Under the Biden Administration all most all of our pharmaceutical manufacturers have left the country and a majority of our drugs are now being manufactured outside the United States.  USAntibiotics, LLC is the last and only U.S. antibiotic manufacture who manufactures and is sole licensed U.S. maker of penicillin-based Amoxicillin and Amoxil Clavulanate, commonly known as Amoxil® and Augmentin®.  USAntibiotics, LLC is on the brink of collapse.

We are not sure why the Mainstream Media has been dead quite about this?  Maybe its because the media knows that this news just might hurt the Kackling Kamala Harris chances at being the President of the United States.

If USAntibiotics, LLC calls it quits, the only manufacture of these types of antibiotics will be China.  If we don't all remember what all happened during pandemic when China hoarded medical supplies and threatened to cut of medical supplies to the United States, after causing the pandemic in 2021, then we have not learned a dang thing.

Why we here at Peer Reviewed Politics say this because the comatose guy (Joe Biden) and Kackles-Alot (Kamala Harris) in the White House had drew up an Executive Order to address this on January 2021.

The Biden Administration issued an Executive Order and President Biden signed it in to law, and then saying to the American public, “This will never happen again in the United States, period.  We shouldn't have to rely on a foreign country, especially one that doesn't share our interests or our values in order to protect and provide for our people during a national emergency.”

Well, it appears that the media shares the same medical symptoms (Dementia or Cogitative Decline) as President Joe Biden does, when it comes to reporting the real news.  It appears this only happens with the media, when it comes to reporting news about anything tied to Sleepy President Joe Biden or VP Kackles-Alot Kamala Harris.

As such, we may end up losing our last U.S. based antibiotic manufacture and we will at this point be dependent on China for very important major antibiotics.  Also note, most of these pharmaceutical manufactures have left the United States under the Biden Administration, even with his toothless executive order.

We should have all known better when the Biden Administration made this Executive Order to protect our pharmaceutical companies, because all this administration does is lie and blow smoke up our you know what's.  Lies, deception, and inaction run rapidly wild among Biden and Harris administration, (Especially, that VP who's never been to Europe, either).

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attributions: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article - @Teapartier_Al on / News report by NTD Evening News - Tiffany MeierPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: August 04, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Summary Credit: Story photo by

Senator Grassley Releases Most up to Date Information Yet on the Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald J. Trump

Picture of defeated Joe Biden

Washington - Breaking News: Senator Chuck Grassley from the House Oversight Committee just released the ‘Most Detailed Pictures and Documents Yet,’ of the Trump Assassination Attempt.

According to Senator Grassley, these are all the records that Senator Grassley has obtained to date from law enforcement, besides the Body Cam video recording, which you can review below this article. 

Senator Grassley outlines text messages, the body cam footage, law enforcement briefing materials and an after-action reports within this Summary and the article below this article.  These documents were all obtained by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) – who is giving one the “most detailed pictures, yet” of the security failures surrounding the assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump.

Senator Grassley has been leading Congress and federal agencies in providing the public the clearest amount of incite to date on the attempted assassination of former President Trump’s in Butler, Pennsylvania at an election rally that was held on July 13, 2024.

Senator Grassley's oversight reveals that local law enforcement and the Secret Service were all aware of gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks’ suspicious presence more than 90 minutes before Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at the former president with an AR-15 type of rifle, killing one person who was trying to cover his family from being hit by bullets and hit two other people with bullets, who were seriously injured and were in critical condition when they were taken to the hospital.  Former President Trump was grazed by a bullet in right ear with the bullet just missing the brain of the former president by less than inches.

According to the evidence provided to Senator Grassley, local law enforcement officers had communicated about Thomas Matthew Crooks’ presence to their federal counterparts ahead of Trump’s appearance on stage.  Why the Trump campaign was not alerted to this threat prior to the former president taking the stage is still a mystery and not understood.  According to law enforcement, they were not updated by the Secret Service of any security plans to protect the former president at this rally, whereas law enforcement found this very unusual, as this does not ever happen.

Below is a summary of all the records Senator Chuck Grassley has received to date detailing local law enforcement’s planning and communications regarding the Trump's election event.  Senator Chuck Grassley’s oversight is still ongoing and this summary will be presented in the House Oversight hearing tomorrow, July 30, 2024.

Grassley Oversight Summary.

On July 8, 2024: Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU) Team Leaders receive a request to cover the July 13 Trump rally.  (Texts)

On July 10, 2024: Beaver County ESU finalizes assignments for the July 13 Trump rally.  (Texts)

On July 13, 2024 @ 9:00 a.m.: Butler County ESU hosts a briefing for local law enforcement ahead of the Trump event.  The Secret Service was absent from the briefing.  (Detailed plan)

July 13, 2024 @ 1:03 p.m.: Beaver, Butler and Washington County snipers connect via group chat.  (Texts)  Local sniper locations.  (Photos)

July 13, 2024 @ 4:26 p.m.: A Beaver County sniper finishes his shift and departs the AGR building.  While the sniper is exiting the building, he spots Thomas Matthew Crooks at the picnic table outside and alerts the remaining Beaver and Butler snipers in the AGR building to Crooks’ presence.  (Texts)

July 13, 2024 @ 5:38 p.m.: A Beaver County sniper sends photos of Crooks to the Beaver, Butler and Washington snipers group chat.  The Beaver sniper notes Thomas Matthew Crooks was using “a range finder looking towards the stage” and recommends that they notify Secret Service snipers to “look out.”  (Texts)

July 13, 2024 @5:45 p.m.: A Beaver County sniper sends photos of Crooks to the Beaver County ESU group chat.  Beaver law enforcement recommends they alert “command.”  (Texts)

Post-shooting: Beaver County ESU compiles an after-action report containing a flash summary of the day’s events.  (Report)

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article - @Teapartier_Al on / Senator Chuck Grassley - Grassleys' oversight summaryPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: July 29, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Summary Credit: Senator Chuck Grassley - Grassleys' oversight summary / Photo of Chuck Grassley -

Senator Grassley Releases Body Cam Video & Information On the Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald J. Trump

Breaking News: Senator Chuck Grassley released body cam footage and other documents yesterday, July 23, 2024, after the former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle had resigned, after being grilled by the House Oversight Committee on Monday, July 22, 2024.

In the body cam footage, the Secret Service and law enforcement were talking among themselves on the roof of AGR International, where the Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had tried to kill former President Donald J. Trump using an AR-15 style weapon, while the former president was on stage for his election rally in Pennsylvania.

The Secret Service and law enforcement conversation was being video recorded by a body camera of a sniper who was on the roof of AGR International.  The conversation starts out with the Secret Service agent asking a question of the snipers on the roof. The agent asked if this was the guy that law enforcement had taken pictures of earlier in the day.  One of the snipers states, "Yes, Beaver County, (almost in-audible with radio noise in the background) sniper team sent the pictures out, this is him."

Other statements were somewhat in-audible from radio noise or the law enforcement officials being to far away from the body camera microphone, but one of the law enforcement officers on the right of the body camera, pointed at a weapon lying on the roof, saying something and then, "right here".  The Secret Service agent asked about the bicycle, which Thomas Crooks was riding before the shooting.  The snipers relied that they did not know.  The Secret Service agent asked if the snipers were treating it (bicycle) as a suspicious device.  The sniper with the body camera said, "one second, I believe the sniper who sent the pictures, (who's name is Sniper Greg, according the sniper with the body camera) who seen it, he is right inside the building (pointing toward the left of the body camera)."  The sniper with the body cam then asks Michelle (who was on the snipers 2-way radio), to confirm if Greg was still inside the building.  Michelle on the radio, indicated, "yes."

The body cam sniper indicates to the Secret Service agent, that the agent can go over to a window, which is overlooking the roof, (whereas the sniper was narratively stating this at first, that agent can get to this widow from the roof that they were all standing on).  The sniper with the body cam then points toward the window that is overlooking the roof as seen in the video.  The sniper with the body cam tells the agent that he can go over and speak with Sniper Greg.  The sniper with the body cam indicates that 'Greg' is the one who took pictures of the shooter on the bicycle and watched the shooter put down the bike and then lost sight of Thomas Matthew Crooks.  The sniper with the body camera stated that sniper Greg is the one who sent the pictures to everyone.

In the video there are several windows overlooking the roof that the shooter was on, so our question is why was no one watching the roof from inside the building, if everyone was to scared to get on the roof because of the slope?

A group of congressmen yesterday, July 23, 2024, got up on the roof to take a look for themselves where the shooter was staged.  One of the congressmen who came to view the roof site was a 70 old man.  If a 70 old man has no trouble getting on the roof, then why was former Director of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle lying to congress and the public about the slope of the roof?  Was the person who was suppose to complete the site survey prior to the rally not properly doing their job and Kimberly Cheatle was protecting this person or were their people in the Secret Service that were actually scared of heights of the roof?

According to the body cam footage in the video, this roof did not have much of a slope to it at all, so we here at Peer Reviewed Politics don't think that height and slope of the roof were mitigating factors for the Secret Service whatsoever to be stationed or get up on this roof.  So, what was the former Director of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle covering up or hiding from congress and the public, was their someone else she knew that was involved in this failure or was there more of sinister agenda at hand here?

Senator Chuck Grassley also pinned a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.  Senator Hawley said a whistle blower had came to him and told Hawley that law enforcement personal were supposed to be stationed on the roof of AGR International on the day of the rally, but law enforcement abandoned being on the roof because of the heat, this according to Senator Hawley's post on X corp's website at  Besides the question about law enforcement posts, the letter also asks for the Secret Service operational security plan, information about a counter drone (UAS) that Crooks was using, it asks if documents that were provided to Senator Grassley were correct for law enforcement posts, and their were also questions about the Secret Service drone being used or not.

Letter sent to Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Department of Homeland Security and Acting Director of the Secret Service Ronald Rowe.
Click on Picture and Open the Complete Document in a New Tab

The Secret Service agent asked the sniper with the body cam, if law enforcement had someone detained.  The sniper with the body camera stated, "that I don't know."  It appears that law enforcement and the Secret Service thought someone else owned the bicycle, when in fact the bike was owned by Thomas Crooks.  The agent did state that he thought there were people that were detained, but stated he did not know if they were involved or not.  According to the agent, these people who were filming Thomas Crooks on the roof and filming law enforcement on the ground doing nothing about the shooter.

When shots started to be fired by Thomas Crooks and the people filming ran away, law enforcement detained them supposedly.  In the body cam video, it sounds like these folks were filming Crooks and law enforcement had detained them, because they ran away from gun fire.

The narrative of the video appears to show that the agent was just there on the roof to get information from the law enforcement snipers on what had happened.

Why the former Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle could not or would not report this information baffles us.  Why the Secret Service and/or law enforcement not stop Thomas Crooks to see what the heck he was doing also amazes us.

The most disturbing part though is the people video taping Thomas Matthew Crooks on the roof with a weapon and telling law enforcement about it, while video taping, stating to law enforcement there is guy on the roof with a weapon and nothing is being done for nearly two minutes is completely crazy.  All the while law enforcement had taken multiple photos of Thomas Crooks and then lost site of him and the people on the ground who were video taping Crooks and law enforcement, hearing Crooks firing a weapon, and then running away from the gun fire, because Crooks was firing a weapon, but law enforcement instead of going after the shooter, law enforcement detains those for running away from gun fire is just totally idiotic, if you ask us.

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article - @Teapartier_Al on / Senator Chuck Grassley - Bodycam Video / Mr. Ronald Rowe - Letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro MayorkasPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: July 24, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:03:06Photos and Video Credit: Senator Chuck Grassley - Bodycam Video / Mr. Ronald Rowe - Letter to DHS Secretary

President Joe Biden drops out of the Presidential Race

Picture of defeated Joe Biden

Breaking News: President Joe Biden has dropped out of the Presidential Race.  Currently, Joe Biden is at home in Delaware with Covid-19.

It was reported that President Biden is endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee.  President Joe Biden posted a letter at 10:46am on July 21, 2024 on that he is not going to continue in the Presidential race.

Picture of defeated Joe Biden
Right Click on Picture and Open in New Tab or Magnify to Enlarge

President Biden did not state in his letter that he was endorsing VP Harris, either.  We heard Senator Chuck Schummer went to President Biden's home to ask him to drop out of the Presidential race.  It's likely President Biden will pardon his son for the crimes he committed prior to his dad taking the Presidency in 2021.

The United States currently has largest National Debt in the history of the United States at almost $35 trillion with Federal spending right now, North of $6.8 trillion for just this year, and we still have 5 months left in this year.

Other problems during the Biden administration, V.P. Harris who was just endorsed by the failing President was also appointed as Border Czar in 2021 by President Biden.  Since then we've seen the largest amount of illegal immigration in the history of this country.

Former President Trump posted a graph on July 13, 2024 at his rally in Pennsylvania of how many illegal aliens have entered the United States since he left office.  This graph also includes former President Obama statistics as well.  It has been said that this graph actually save former Trumps life as he was referring to this graph before being shot, as he had just turned his head to refer to the graph and then the bullets rang out through the venue.

The chart that Customs and Border Protection produced below, shows how much illegal immigration has entered the United States under Obama, Biden and Trump.  The chart shows the worst illegal immigration in the history of the United States being under the Biden Administration and Vice President Harris's watch.

Picture of defeated Joe Biden

Other older published immigration charts match this chart perfectly, but the only one exception, the Biden Administration statistics are not on the other old charts as he wasn't in office yet.  The Biden Administration (DHS) is currently hiding all this information and Mayorkas has been repeated questioned on this by congress, that's why he was found in contempt of congress.

Programs like Social Security and Medicare are running dry of funds, because the government has been giving away our hard-earned money that we paid into Social Security and Medicare for our retirement to illegal aliens using TIN numbers.

The States and the Federal government are also giving public assistance, hotels, food, clothing, cars, and other things to illegal aliens too, and this is making the national debt climb through the roof, which can be seen here in realtime.

All this money being spent right now is running up the national debt to levels never seen before in the history of this country and we are now paying over $1 trillion dollars in interest every 100 days on the National Debt; this is why we have all this inflation in the economy on products and food that we are buying today.

This is something we need seriously think about in November 2024 when we are voting for a President, Senators, and Representatives.  Our children are not going to ever be able to own a home and they will be slaves to this debt for the rest of their lives, and likely so will their children, that is if our country doesn't go bankrupt first.  Your vote is extremely important this November, so don't waste it.

NTD’s Steve Lance will be presenting special coverage of President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race on The Nation Decides 2024.  You can see it here.

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article - @Teapartier_Al on Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: July 16, 2024, Updated on July 17, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Video Credit: Immigration Chart - Customs and Border Protection / Snapshot of a video taken of Biden

Serious Questions About the Attempted Assassination of the Former President of the United States

Picture of dead shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks on top of roof of a building where he shot at the former president of the United States

Snapshot of dead shooter from video posts on

Peer Reviewed Politics Attempted Assassination Article:

Former President Donald Trump was shot at a election rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13, 2024.  The shooters name is Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was a 20-year-old male.  Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at the former President multiple times and hit the former president in the ear with a bullet, while the former president was on a stage, during an election rally at Butler Farm Show grounds.

We started reporting the shooting on Facebook as soon we got a chance.  We reported what sounded like was a rifle with a .223 round or something very similar being shot from the rifle.  We know the sound, because we have heard AR-15 rifles being fired before on audio tape and around our neighborhood, where we live in Washington State.

What occurred at this rally at the Butler Farm?

Video of shooter on roof - Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK on

After former President Trump was struck in the ear with the bullet, he must have realized that he was being shot at and immediately dropped to the stage floor behind the podium.  The former president’s secret service detail rush over to where the former president was and shielded him, while he was on the stage floor.  A total of 5 shots rang out.  After that, you could hear another three shots ring out, which sound like it was from a different caliber weapon.  Other associates who were watching the rally with us on TV, when the shooting began, stated they heard approximately 5 shots and then 3 additional shots after the first five shots.  We all believe that the last three shots may have been from the Secret Service Snipers and/or law enforcement shooting back at the shooter, killing him.

Our understanding, through multiple witness accounts, which had made statements to the media, stated the Secret Service sniper had shot the Thomas Matthew Crooks.  One of witness that seen the shooting of Crooks, who spoke with a BBC reporter stated that Thomas Matthew Crooks was shot in the head, killing the assailant on the roof.  According to multiple accounts the shooter was on the roof of a building, adjacent to the stage, which was approximately 130 to 155 yards stage right of the stage, where former President Trump was giving his speech on.

While we were watching the rally, the microphone was still on, and you could hear the audio of the Secret Service calling out a code name several times and them talking among themselves.  You could also hear the former president talking too.

You could also see the snipers on the roof, behind the stage that former President Trump was on, in multiple videos taken.  These snipers were watching something from the roof and they were pointed stage right or in the three o'clock direction as we reported on our Facebook account.

Picture of snipers on the roof of the Butler Farm pointed at 3 o'clock direction
Second Picture of snipers on the roof of the Butler Farm pointed at 3 o'clock direction

After the shooting stopped, the Secret Service were asking someone if it was clear and then they attempted to move the former President from the location.  You could hear the former president stating that he wanted his shoes.  We later found out that the Secret Service had thrown Trump's shoes off the stage.

Then after about 10 to 15 seconds, the former President stood up with the Secret Service agents and held his fist in the air and stated, "Fight, Fight, Fight," to the audience, with blood on his face.  The crowd cheered and started chanting, "USA, USA, USA!"

Eventually Secret Service was able to get the 6' 3" president to move by cocooning the former president, pushing, and shuffling him along the stage, then moving the former president down the stairs without his shoes on and finally off the stage.  The Secret Service got the president to safety of Secret Service vehicle on the Farm grounds.  It seemed to take a very long time to accomplish this and the Secret Service seem to be unorganized at times.

One agent even struggled with bolstering her pistol.  Other agents struggled with the their sunglasses and running into each other outside of the vehicle.  It appeared to be very uncoordinated.  A video we later looked at, showed at least two agents had took cover behind the stage, rather protecting the former president.

What was truly amazing is that the former President was able to stand and say, "Fight, Fight, Fight," during all this commotion.  I stated, “What a brave man to stand up and say this, while just being shot at.  There is no doubt that Former President Trump is running for president to protect all of us."  I found this comparable to what those Marines did in Iwo Jima, who raised the U.S. Flag during World War II.  I've never in my life have seen such heroics by a person after being shot at.

When and where did this all happen?

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 6:11pm Eastern Time, the shooter's named is Thomas Matthew Crooks, he used a AR-15 to attempt the assassination of the former President of United State of America, Donald J. Trump at election rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.  This city is in the West part of Pennsylvania.  This event was held at the Butler Farm Show Ground, which is a rural area in the Western part of Pennsylvania.

Who else was hurt and killed?

Three other people were also shot by the shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks from the bullets he shot, which either missed the former president and/or may have grazed the president and hit the bystanders with those bullets.

One person died, which was about 20 feet away from the former president.  This person from our understanding was the Fire Chief at the farm.  His name was Corey Comperatore, he is considered to be a hero too for his heroics in shielding a family from the bullets being fired by the shooter.

Two other people in the grand stands were hit by the bullets being fired by shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks.  These two people were last known to be in critical condition, according to what we heard, but we have not heard any updates on their conditions.  Details are still emerging about how this all happened as well as we are getting more information about the shooter.

What agencies are investigating this attempted assassination?

According to media reports, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has taken jurisdiction of this incident.  According to the FBI, the shooter had no ID on him.  The FBI retrieved the shooter’s phone, which was locked at time they retrieved it.  The FBI stated they were sending the phone to Quantico, which is the headquarters of the FBI.  Quantico has an investigative lab and scientist to extract and preserve evidence in multiple disciplines, like trace evidence, latent fingerprints, firearms/toolmarks, and cracking phones.

Our question here is why did the FBI agents not try to unlock the phone first, by using the dead Thomas Matthew Crooks face or finger prints to unlock the phone?  The problem is it may have been possible that another person(s) may have been involved in the shooting too and not trying to unlock the phone would have given that person plenty of time to escape and/or even leave the country.

What is known about the shooter and what was the modus operandi of the shooter?

The shooter’s name is Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was 20-year-old male that live in of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.  Crooks was killed by a Secret Service Sniper according to FBI reports.  According to Kevin Rojek, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office stated, “We do not currently have an identified motive, although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was.”

You would think the MO of the shooter would be very clear to the FBI here, as it appears Thomas Matthew Crooks was trying to assassinate the former president of the United States with an AR-15 rifle from the top of a roof on a building, which by the way was approximately 130 to 150 yards away from the stage that former president of the United States was doing an election rally from.

Heck, the FBI stated the people at the Capital of the January 6th 2021 protest, where called insurrectionist in less than a day and not one of those folks even had a weapon, either.  It’s sad that our President and the FBI refused to call it an attempted assignation.  This definitely doesn't give us a warm fuzzy feeling like anyone is going to get to the bottom of this anytime soon, either.

According to law enforcement, they found explosives in Thomas Matthew Crooks vehicle, and later after a search of Thomas Matthew Crooks home, where he lived with his parents, law enforcement also found explosives.

After doing some investigative work into Thomas Matthew Crooks, we found out that Crooks had done a commercial for Black Rock when he was younger, in year of 2022.  Blackrock then pulled the video online, so we could not post the link to the video, but luckily, we found that the New York post had got their hands on a copy of the video and you can see the video here:

Click on the picture to see the Black Rock video.

Attempted Presidential Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks

Snapshot of video taken from a Black Rock commercial

Also, to our understanding, the building that Thomas Matthew Crooks was on, belonged to AGR International, which provides testing equipment, laboratory services and consulting for bottle quality assurance to help bottle manufacturers around the world produce high-quality containers while improving efficiencies, reducing costs and contributing to the responsible management of resources.

This building's parking lot and maybe the inside of the building was being used as a staging area for law enforcement for this rally, which was confirmed by a bunch of different sources.

With all this information we found out, we now have questions that really need to be answered by Congress, the Secret Service, the FBI, and the local police.

  • So, how did Thomas Matthew Crooks escape detection in a staging area for law enforcement?

  • How did Thomas Matthew Crooks get this close to the stage with a AR-15 rifle, where the former president of the United States was speaking from?

  • How did Thomas Matthew Crooks even get AR-15 and other type of range finding equipment into this secured area?  According to others who work in security industry for the government, the area 1000 yards in to the stage should have been secured, some other security folks stated it should be 2000 meters, so how did Thomas Matthew Crooks know where the stage was going to be places and where the president would be speaking prior to event, so he could setup his plan to kill Former President Donald J. Trump?

  • UPDATED ON July 16, 2024 @ 5:00pm PDT:  We just found out from Secret Service updates, that Thomas Matthew Crooks had brought in a range-finder into the rally and was asked about it by authorities at the site.  The Secret Service were supposedly watching Thomas Crooks after they let him in, but for some reason they lost track of the 20 year old.  This was a definite sign that Crooks was preparing to do something with a weapon, like a rifle.  So why did the Secret Service at this point stop this man from entering the Farm ground premises and do a butt-hole check on the guy?

  • How did this guy bring in a 5 foot ladder, so he could crawl up the side of the building?  This is unbelievable!  Who was in charge of the security at this site?  Even the United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle conceded that Thomas Crooks had been dubbed a "potential person of suspicion" before the assassination attempt, because they found a range-detector on his persons at the event.  @TeaPartier_Al says, he has been to concerts and has been screened way better than this.  In fact, some concerts require you to have clear bags to put your personal items in, just to enter the venue, so they can be checked easily.  It sounds like to us, this kid may have been able to drive a M-1 tank into the venue loaded with shells and no one would have said a word to him.

  • How did Thomas Matthew Crooks know what building to be able to get up on, undetected?

  • How did Thomas Matthew Crooks know that this building's roof was not secured by law enforcement, in order to take a shot at the former president of the United States?

  • UPDATED: According to FBI Christopher Wray's briefing to congress, Thomas Matthew Crooks was using encrypted communication applications, which the FBI has yet to penetrate.
  • UPDATED: How did Thomas Matthew Crooks get access to Butler Farm grounds to case the area where the former president was going to be speaking, this area should have been secured from public access prior to the event? 
  • All these questions need to be answered!

Thomas Crooks having a range-finder on his person at an election rally, right way tells me this person has a rifle and they are aware of how to sight-in a rifle's distance and probable declination of angle.  This was a 'RED WARNING LIGHT and SIREN' and the man should have stopped, detained, and questioned by law enforcement.

UPDATEDOn Wednesday, July 17, 2024, Senator John Barrasso, R-WY stated their was a briefing by the Secret Service and FBI. Senator Barrasso said, "This was a 100% cover-your-ass briefing."  In the briefing the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, stated investigators still had not established a motive for the shooting.  FBI Director Wray told the Senate that the FBI had interviewed 200 people and reviewed over 14,000 images, including photos and video of the rally.  Director Wray stated the Thomas Matthew Crooks had no social media presence and he was using encrypted communications application, which have yet to be cracked.  The director continued to state, that investigators had not found a foreign connection to Thomas Matthew Crooks. Director Wray has repeatedly said that the investigation is still in its early stages.

Investigators also found out after the fact that Thomas Matthew Crooks, had visited the Butler Farm grounds several times, prior to the attempted assassination of the former president on July 13, 2024.  The Hill, a media outlet, reported that Thomas Crooks had visited the rally site for roughly 20-30 minutes on July 7, 2024 and again on the morning of July 13, 2024, prior to the evening rally.

Several days has gone by after the assassination attempt on the former president, we are starting to hear more and more disturbing details and trouble things about the security at this event, which is a dead give away that something rotten was going on at Butler Farm.  It's really starting to look more and more like an inside job.  We at Peer Review Politics are starting to think that DEI, really means DIE as its just spelled incorrectly.

What the Fake News told us.

The media and the women of the show called 'The VIEW' on ABC, claimed that the shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was a Republican, but according to records Crooks donated money to ActBlue, which is part of the Democrat Party (DNC).

The media also told us there were multiple shooters and one of the shooter's was a Chinese National.  Since then several networks stated that Donald Trump fell on stage, one stated he was scared of the fireworks and thought it was gun fire, as well as a bunch of other misinformation that they have been pushing on the public.

Analyzing what we think went wrong.

Note that we are not trying to be armchair theorist here, after the fact, but someone needs to analyze what the heck went wrong here, because our adversaries are watching what the hell happened here.  The question here is did we not have enough law enforcement officers to secure the ground of the site?  Would have it helped to have drones flying around on the Farm grounds and/or would other types of electronic monitoring equipment needed to be present on site, (Cameras, Motion Detection, and other types of security equipment)?

We really need to figure out what could have been done better and not repeat these same mistakes in the future as our president, former president's, and their families as well as other important dignitary lives depend on it.

Other unnamed security and sniper people who worked in security, law enforcement, and military have opined openly on this attempted assassination, people like Ex-UFC star and former American sniper, Tim Kennedy, have state what they think.  On unnamed sources, stated the Secret Service should have not be allowing people to get within the 1000 yard perimeter of a former president without those person being screened and checked.  Tim Kennedy said the perimeter should be 2000 meters.

In either case, this shooter used a 5 foot ladder he bought and brought to the site, then was bear-climbing up the side of a building on to the roof using this 5-foot ladder, while carrying a rifle, according to multiple witness accounts.  This is the same parking lot and building that was being used as a staging area for law enforcement for this event.  It gets much worse, all while patrons on the ground were watching this guy shimmy across the roof and reported it (screaming) to the police and secret service to get someone to help for nearly or roughly two minutes, before the shooter had shot at the former president of the United States.  One witness who spoke to the BBC reporter, stated law enforcement was just running around on the ground doing nothing.  We could imagine what this look like, probably like bunch of chickens running around with their heads chopped off.

Tim Kennedy stated on TMZ, "Heads need to roll at the Secret Service."  Other unnamed security folks we spoke with online, said the same.

Also, there where either, two police officers or the Secret Service snipers, on top of the roof of a building behind the stage, which former president was speaking on.  This roof top was in video camera view.  A video taken appears to show that these law enforcement officials had the sniper in their sites with their rifles, but it appeared that they did not to take the shot when they could, instead it appeared that they waited for the shooter to shoot first, before returning fire and killing the want-to-be assassin.

We have a lot more questions about how this all happened.  We will do more updates on pictures, videos, and evidence within this story.  As information comes available, we will provide more updates as we get more applicable information on this shooting.

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article - @Teapartier_Al on / Security & Sniper information from Tim Kennedy.Peer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: July 16, 2024, Updated several times between July 16 and July 20, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Video Credit: Snapshot of video taken from a Black Rock commercial / Snapshot of dead shooter from video posts on / Video of shooter on roof - Oliver Alexander @OAlexanderDK on / Snapshots of pictures of snipers on Butler Farm roof - posts and

Classified Documents Case Against Trump has been Dismissed

Picture of U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon

Fort Pierce, Florida: 🚨 BREAKING 🚨 NEWS:

Peer Reviewed Politics: On July 15, 2024, U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon’s ruled in 93-page document that Special Counsel Jack Smith was improperly appointed by the DOJ and so the court has rightfully dismissed the case against Former President Trump.

According to the courts legal ruling, the order granting dismissal cites that Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment was in violation of the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution.  Also under the U.S. Constitution, Article II § 2, clause 2, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation violates the Appropriations Clause, U.S. Constitution, Article I § 9, clause 7.  The court noted that court did not need to address the proper remedy for that funding violation given the dismissal on Appointments Clause grounds.

The ruling outlined, the first challenge to Jack Smith's appointment under the Appointments Clause, which provides the exclusive means for appointing “Officers of the United States,” (SEE Article II, § 2, cl. 2.)  The Appointments Clause sets as a default rule that all “Officers of the United States” whether “inferior” or “principal” must be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

In the second challenge, rooted in the Appropriations Clause, also prohibits any money from being “drawn from the Treasury” unless such funding has been appropriated by an act of Congress under Article I § 9, clause 7, (“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law. . . .”).  According to the ruling DOJ just can't appropriate money on its own.  The House of Representatives hold the purse for this type of funding.

On June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court ruled against decades of ambiguous federal regulatory law by bureaucracies, making it far more difficult for federal agencies to issue rules, regulations, and try to appropriate money for themselves without an act of congress.  According to Chief Justice Roberts, this was pointed out in a famous 1803 decision of Marbury v. Madison, whereas Chief Justice Roberts stated it means that courts, not agencies, decide what the law is, and if Congress wants to do something different, it should say so explicitly.

In Judge Cannon's ruling she stated, "Both the Appointments and Appropriations challenges as framed in the Motion raise the following threshold question: is there a statute in the United States Code that authorizes the appointment of Special Counsel Smith to conduct this prosecution?  After careful study of this seminal issue, the answer is no.  None of the statutes cited as legal authority for the appointment, (SEE 28 U.S.C. §§ 509, 510, 515, 533) gives the Attorney General broad inferior-officer appointing power or bestows upon him the right to appoint a federal officer with the kind of prosecutorial power wielded by Special Counsel Smith.  Nor do the Special Counsel’s strained statutory arguments, appeals to inconsistent history, or reliance on out-of-circuit authority persuade otherwise.

Looking at the law and the past arguments before the Supreme Court, including the most recent argument, Judge Cannon is on sound ground in her ruling in this case, and its very unlikely that an appeal by the government would be successful, if Judge Cannon ruling was challenged by the government.

We have posted the 93-page ruling below.  Click on the picture to read the full document.

Legal ruling by Judge Aileen M. Cannon in the U.S. Governments prosecution of Fromer President Trump’s classified documents case

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics Article - @Teapartier_Al on X.comPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: July 15, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Video Credit: Photo of Judge Aileen M. Cannon - / Legal decision documents - U.S. District Court Southern District of Florida

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Declares Voter Fraud is Real.

Harris County, TX: BREAKING NEWS:

Peer Reviewed Politics: On June 15, 2024, the 3-term Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared that "Voter fraud is real, especially in Houston." Governor Abbott goes on to say in a post on, “The court has found that 1,430 illegal votes were cast in the race for the 180th District Court.” The Governor continued to state, "We must end voter fraud."

Most folks know that voter fraud is becoming a serious issue in our elections, but the courts have been unlikely to involve themselves in these disputes and the Democrat party knows this.  Election integrity and security has been at the forefront after the 2020 election.  This mainly do to Former President Trump and his administration legally contesting the 2020 election.  Many of lapdog media, (AKA Main Stream Media) and their associates bark about that there is no widespread voter fraud going on in our elections, but yet election workers come forward and audits show different.  Even when workers come forward or audits prove otherwise, the courts are still unlikely to hear these cases.

In this case, Tami Pierce who contested the 449-vote loss to an incumbent Democrat DaSean A. Jones in January 2023, was able to get the court to listen, but the case was delayed for nearly a year by a motion to dismiss filed by the incumbent Judge Jones in the 180th District Court judicial race.   After an lengthy appeal, which was filed by Jones in the Court of Appeals For the First District of Texas asking for Motion to Dismiss Tami Pierce's' lawsuit, whereas the District court refused to dismiss her complaint.

On November 16, 2023, the Court of Appeals Justices Goodman, Rivas-Molloy, and Amparo Guerra, which signed the courts opinion, found in favor of Tami Pierce, affirming the trial court’s order denying Jones’s TCPA motion to dismiss and the Appeals Court also affirmed the trial court’s finding that Pierce was also entitled to attorney’s fees and costs, because Jones’s motion was frivolous.

Click on the image below to read
the Appeal's Court Opinion

Docket from the Court of Appeals

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, the District Court of Harris County, Texas Judge David Peeples issued a Judgment in the Election Contest in favor of Tami Pierce, ruling that the true outcome of the election could not be determined and he ordered a new election.

According to the judgment: The court had found there were 1430 illegal votes, which were cast in the race for the 180th District Court, and it was not realistic or feasible to determine which candidate had received those votes.  The court has found that a net margin of 321 votes (1146 to 825) were cast for Jones over Pierce in the extended one hour of voting on Election Day, which the court has found resulted from an official mistake by the Harris County Elections Administration Office.

The court also entered a monetary damage judgment against Jones and ordered him to pay Tami Pierce $66,000 in attorney’s fees and court costs.

Click on the image below to read
the District Court's Judgment.

Judgement from the District Court

Since this judgment was declared by the district court, Tami Pierce's election website has been put on a dangerous website list and declared a malware website.  Nord VPN picks this Election Website up as a Malware Website, which we found to be untrue.  Talk about dirty tricks by the left.  This wreaks desperation by the Jones administration and/or his affiliates.

Right click on the image below to open and enlarge in another tab.

Search Engine

Right click on the image below to open and enlarge in another tab.

Nord VPN falsely identifies Election Website as Malware Site

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics Article - @Teapartier_Al on / post - Governor Greg Abbott on X.comPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: June 16, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Video Credit: Governor Abbott post, which contains a story from the - Kirk Sides/Staff photographer

Judge Merchan Contacts Former President Trump's Defense Team Over Letter.

Picture of richter hammer


Peer Reviewed Politics: Judge Merchan the Judge who presided over Former President Trump's Trial in the Stormy Daniel's hush money case in New York was alerted to a Facebook post done by a cousin of a juror.

On May 29, 2024, the day before Trump's conviction in New York, a cousin of a juror posted inside information on Facebook about the hush money trial, that Former President Trump was going to be convicted, prior to the jurors declaring Former President Trump guilty the very next day.  The cousin of the juror in their post, then thanked everyone for their hard work getting Trump convicted.

This is juror misconduct, plain and simple!  Jurors are not allowed to discuss a cases with their families or the public, prior to the judgment of a defendant.  Jurors also are not allowed to watch the news either, so the juror doesn't become compromised.

This conviction will likely be vacated, and it should end in a mistrial.  The question is, will Judge Merchan do the right thing, here?  Judge Merchan did sent this letter to Team Trump and the prosecutor's office.  It should be highly likely that this conviction will be vacated at this point.

Prior to this trial of Former President Donald J. Trump, the attorneys for the Former President had warned Judge Merchan that the Former President would not get a fair trial by a jury in the location were Trump's trial was being held in New York.  This is the reason Trump's attorneys had asked for a change of venue.

Its in Peer Review Politic's opinion, that Judge Merchan should have known better when he was asked by the attorneys for the defendant for a new venue, because these attorneys knew Former President Trump would not get a fair trial in an area with 95% Democrat voters.

Click on the picture below to see the full document.

PDF document of Judge Merchan Letter to the Defense and Prosecutor in the Hush Money Trial of Former Presient Trump

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics Article - @Teapartier_Al on / NBC and other media outletsPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: June 08, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Video Credit: Richter Hammer -

Don't You Know that Inflation is UP, UP, UP for April 2024?

Picture of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers

Washington, DC: Consumer Price Index – April 2024 News Release

“Don't you know the inflation rate is going up, up, up, up, up?”

Shadoobie, Shattered...

"To live in this country you must be tough, tough, tough, tough, tough, tough, tough."

Shadoobie, Shattered,
Shadoobie, Shattered, Shattered.

"We've got Democrats on the west side, Republican uptown."

Shadoobie, Shattered...

"What a mess, this country is in tatters, I've been shattered."

Shadoobie, Shattered.

"My brain's been battered, they splattered Trump all over Manhattan."

Shadoobie, Shattered...

Well, that's how we feel after seeing this Consumer Price Index report for April 2024.  Why are we saying this?  The inflation rate is up again for April 2024.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statics, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) has increased again, this time another 0.3 percent in April of 2024, after rising 0.4 percent in March of 2024.

In the last 12 months, all the items index have increased 3.4 percent before the seasonal adjustment.  The CPI index for shelter and gasoline rose in April 2024, no surprise here if you have a roof over your head and drive to work and/or the store to buy necessities.  These two indexes combined, contributed to over seventy percent of the monthly increase in the index for all items according the

The energy cost index rose another 1.1 percent over the month.  The only index which was virtually unchanged in April of 2024, was the food index.  To break this down more so you real can understand the food index, your food at home index declined 0.2 percent but its still up, while your food away from home has rose another 0.3 percent over the month, which in effect leaves the index unchanged pretty much.  If you want to be technical, its up 0.1 percent if you eat out.

The index for all items, less food and energy, rose again, this time 0.3 percent for April 2024, after rising 0.4 percent in each of the 3 preceding months.  If you think inflation is less in this report, yes only less than the previous months, there is still inflation that's being added to the previous month's inflation and the previous years of high inflation under the Biden Administration, so no, there has not been any de-inflation.  Wages are just not keeping up with the rise in inflation, either.

The indexes that have increased in April 2024 are "Shelter, Motor Vehicle Insurance, Home Insurance, Medical Care, Apparel, and Personal Care items."  While inflation for used cars, trucks, new household furnishings and operations, and new vehicles were among those items that seen decreases in inflation over the month, but again there is no de-inflation as inflation is still going up, up, and up.

Picture of a Graph Showing the One Month Percentage Change in the CPI for All Urban Consumers

The items in consumer price index rose 3.4 percent for the 12 months ending April, which is a smaller increase than the 3.5 percent increase for the 12 months ending March, but remember, this is not de-inflation, it's still an increase in inflation, just not as much.

All items, less the food and energy index, again rose 3.6 percent over the last 12 months.  Yes, the fed said it increased again.  The energy index also increased 2.6 percent for the 12 months ending in April or 2024.  The food index too increased 2.2 percent over the last year.

We've included a chart here to view, noting nothing is going negative in the inflation rate.  The interest rate continues to climb, month after month, unlike your wages...

Yes, Shadoobie, Shattered,
Shadoobie, Shattered, Shattered...

Courtesy of

Click on the picture below to see the full report.

PDF document of Consumer Price Index for April 2024

  • Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Story Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics Article - @Teapartier_Al on / Consumer Price Index Report for April 2024 - Bureau of Labor Statics on bls.govPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on X.comDate: June 03, 2024Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photos and Video Credit: Snapshot of Graph -

How and why the United States is being Invaded.
The Answers To Your Questions Are Here in This Documentary.

Picture of Epoch Time Weapons of Mass Migration Documentary
Documentary Video Credit: Joshua Philipp / Epoch Times

Peer Reviewed Politics: This documentary was released by the Epoch Times on May 09, 2024 and the Epoch Times has asked viewers like us to publish a link to their documentary, which is called Weapons of Mass Migration.

We here at Peer Reviewed Politics have watched and reviewed this documentary and we can actually verify what is being said within this documentary as being true.  In the past, we have did articles and posted material proof who is facilitating this illegal immigration.  We provided information and pictures that we received which shows aliens being paid to mass migrate to the United States.  In our articles we showed how the United Nations and the Red Cross were involved in helping these aliens to migrate illegally into the United States.

According to this Epoch Times, this documentary and the special investigation report, which was done by Joshua Philipp's dug way deeper into this mass illegal immigration and it blows the doors off this scheme and names the people who had started this program in 2016.  This scheme was shut down by former President Donald Trump after becoming the President of the United States.  This illegal migration scheme was then reactivated after former President Trump had left office.

After Joe Biden and his lackeys in the Biden administration took control of the White House in 2021, the Biden Administration reactivated the illegal mass migration scheme after ending former President Trump's executive orders on illegal immigration as well as stopping the building of the Wall along the Southern border.  Today, the Biden administration is now trying to claim and blame former President Trump for the current illegal immigration problems that have gotten out of control.  This is not former President Trump's fault, its the Biden Administration who is funding the UN and these NGO's.

The Biden Administration made several executive orders on February 02, 2021, which ended former President Trump's 2018 "zero tolerance" policy on prosecuting illegal border crossings and to seek unification of parents with children detained at the border.  Biden also signed an executive order that requested a comprehensive review Trump-era immigration policies too.  Biden signed these executive orders not even two full weeks after Joe Biden was sworn into office as President of the United States. On top of this, President Biden signed 25 other executive orders on immigration since taking office on January 20, 2021, which also included orders to halt the construction of Trump’s border wall.

In this documentary, the special investigation reporting by Joshua Philipp's is top of the line and it not only shows how all this being done, but who is involved too, and the reason why it's being done.  The ultimate goal here we believe is to destroy the United States.

This is all being funded by the Biden Administration and your tax dollars.  Documents show that $1.3 billion in tax dollars was given to the United Nations and the Red Cross by the Biden Administration.  The question here is how and where did the Biden Administration get this money from to pay these NGO's?

We reported in our past articles that the United Nations and Red Cross were the ones operating this illegal UN / NGO program against the United States.  According to the Joshua Philipp's the Chinese are now getting involved in this illegal migration too.  According to the FBI, they are extremely worried about what is going on at the border, but yet nothing is being done by our government to curtail this illegal game.

If we as a nation are going to try to resolve this problem, then we are going to need to find the people responsible in the United Nations and in the United States.  We then must put them in prison for fraudulent migration, invasion, and possible war crimes against the United States and Panama.

We also are not sure why the House of Representatives is providing the funding of this Biden program or any other type of funding to the United Nations either, knowing that money is being paid to these illegal aliens by these NGO's.  The House of Representatives are the responsible entity for the pocket book of spending in this country, whereas our country is somehow funding these NGO's using our taxpayer dollars to facilitate this illegal invasion in to the United States and the illegal migration that is pouring through Panama too.

Under the Constitution, the Biden Administration does not have the authority allow any type migration into the United States, but yet this administration is illegally using our tax payer money and breaking Federal Law to do this.  We are not sure why Biden is not being impeached by the House and Senate and why the people in this administration are not being investigated and arrested by the FBI for breaking Federal Law.  The funny thing here is the FBI had no problem investigating former President Trump for a fake foriegn dossier.

We ask that you please share this documentary with your family and friends.  We also ask that you call your representatives and asked them to take action to end our relationship with the United Nations.  Your voice and vote will matter this November 2024, more than it ever did in your lifetime.  It's time to clean out the communists party (Democrats and Republicans in Name Only) out of our government, which has infiltrated our government using our election system.

Federal Judge Allows Several Illegal Aliens to File Lawsuit Against Transportation Company Who Transported Aliens to Martha’s Vineyard.

Illegal Aliens outside St. Andrews Episcopal Church on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 in Edgartown, Mass., on Martha's Vineyard
Photo Credit: Ray Ewing/AP

Peer Reviewed Politics: On Tuesday, April 2, 2024, a U.S. District Federal judge in Boston indicated that several illegal aliens who entered the United States of America illegally could file a lawsuit against a transportation company who transported them to Martha’s Vineyard from Texas, whereas Martha’s Vineyard and other leftist Cities have claimed that they are a "sanctuary cities."

Martha’s Vineyard deported these illegal aliens to Joint Base Cape Cod after a few days of being at Martha's Vineyard.  The locals on the tiny island, off the coast of Massachusetts, provided the illegal aliens housing at a church in Martha's Vineyard, medical assistance and supplies, food, and then later legal assistance, which brought about this lawsuit.

Civil Action No. 22-cv-11550-ADB

The Biden Administration for the last several years has not been properly following federal laws enacted by congress on illegal's entering into the United States.  The Biden Administration and Homeland Security are not using the border patrol to deport those who entered into the United States illegally without properly going through a port of entry and claiming and applying to be processed as a migrant or refugee.  The Biden Administration and Homeland Security has been allowing 10's of millions of illegal aliens to enter the United States and these border States are being overwhelmed by Biden's catch and release program, which the Biden Administration and Homeland Security has been forcing the U.S. border patrol to participate in.

Illegal Aliens on border asking to come into the USA.

Also, the border States are not being allowed by the Biden Administration to protect their States’s from this invasion by allowing the State's to deport the illegal aliens, since the Federal Government is not doing their fiduciary duties to protect the border as required by law.  States like Texas and Florida are being overwhelmed by 10’s of millions of people a year pouring across the border illegally, since former President Trump left office.  The Biden Administration has been allowing the border to remain wide open by dismantling former President Trump executive orders and also not following the federal laws passed by congress to properly process and deport illegal aliens who are not qualified to remain in the United States under law.  Instead, the Biden Administration is using the border patrol to process and release illegal aliens in to the country in these States along the border, instead of adjudicating the illegal aliens and then deporting those who don't have a viable reason to seek legal help or residence here in the United States.

These border States, which have been invaded by millions of illegal aliens from over 110 different countries, have decided to spread the invasion of these illegal aliens in to other Democrat cities who claim that they are sanctuary cities, whereas the U.S Border Patrol in these border States are not being allowed by the Biden Administration to process and deport these illegal individuals.

The complaint filed in the federal court seems to be moot as these illegal aliens under law don’t have a right to file a lawsuit, because their hands are not clean as they entered into the United States illegally.  Since the Biden Administration is unilaterally allowing these illegal aliens to stay in the United States without Constitutional authority, these aliens were flown out of Texas to Martha's Vineyard on September 14, 2022 in order to reduce the amount of illegal aliens who are burdening these border States with astronomical cost to feed, house, and provide medical assistance to them.

After the complaint was filed in Federal Court by three illegal aliens from Venezuela and a immigrant rights group, U.S. District Judge Allison Burrough from Massachusetts was appointed to the case.  According to legal records, U.S. District Judge is Allison Burrough use to be partner at the law firm of Nutter McClennen & Fish, LLP before she was nominated and appointed to the bench by former President Barack Obama.  Judge Allison Burrough stated in her order that the lawsuit filed by these illegal aliens and this immigrant rights group may proceed in the federal court.

This lawsuit named Vertol Systems Company, which is a Florida air transport company as the defendant, whereas the transport bill was paid for by the State of Florida.  The lawsuit also outlined other defendants in the complaint too, which included Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida Secretary of Transportation Jared Perdue, Florida Public Safety Czar Lawrence Keefe, Florida Chief of Staff to the Governor James Uthmeier, and the Florida Department of Transportation’s James Montgomerie and Perla Huerta.

According to U.S. District Judge Allison Burrough’s order it allows the complaint to proceed against Vertol Systems Company, but the Judge did dismiss without prejudice, out of jurisdictional concerns, claims against Gov. DeSantis and the other defendants of the State of Florida.  The complaint identified these three illegal aliens as Yanet Doe, Pablo Doe and Jesus Doe.  The last names of the illegal aliens where not used and their last names were changed to Doe for some reason.  It’s likely our government and the court probably doesn’t even know or have the real names of these illegal aliens as most of these aliens dump their ID’s at the border in Mexico just before crossing into the United States illegally, then using common Spanish last names like Garcia, Rodriguez, Lopez, Cruz, Gonzalez or etc..  These Spanish names are very common names like Smith, Lee, Brown, Chen, Wang, Li, Wong, and other types of well known names which are used around the globe.  These names are almost impossible to really ID the person without doing finger printing or checking their DNA.

What was extremely strange about this order is that Judge Burroughs admonished the defendant(s) by saying, "Vertol and the other Defendants here were not legitimately enforcing any immigration laws," and "the Court sees no legitimate purpose for rounding up highly vulnerable individuals on false pretences and publicly injecting them into a divisive national debate."

What Judge Burroughs seems to forget or doesn’t understand is that these petitioners must come forward with clean hands, if they are planning to file a complaint in court.  Being here illegally is not really coming before the court with clean hands, is it?

The Courts in the past have univocally have held that not coming forward with clean hand disentitle's the petitioner of discretionary relief under Article 226/227 of the Constitution.  The purpose of the clean hands doctrine is to prevent a party from obtaining relief when a party’s wrongful conduct has made it such that granting the relief would be against equity and good conscience as cited in case law, SEE Colby Furniture Company, Inc. v. Belinda J. Overton

While we are on the subject of the constitution, the Judge should also understand that the constitution is wrote only for citizens, those legally naturalized, and legal non-citizens (Green Card Holders) in the United States, so these illegal aliens are not really entitled to make any claim against the defendants as they broke the law and should have never been here in the first place and the Biden Administration doesn't have the authority to allow them to stay.

Under federal law, foreign nationals are generally entitled to sue in U.S. federal courts, if the case involves a federal question or if there is diversity of citizenship between the parties.  Diversity of citizenship means that the plaintiff and defendant are citizens of different states or countries and the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000 and also has standing to sue in a court.

These illegal aliens’ rights to a due process hearing were not denied by the defendant(s), as the defendant Vertol has no control over the deportation of aliens as they are not a federal entity, so these illegal aliens’ rights to due process have not been affected in anyway whatsoever by the defendant Vertol or the other defendants.

Legal non-citizens can initiate legal proceedings in federal court if their case falls under the federal court's subject matter jurisdiction and have standing to sue, but illegal non-citizens don’t have any standing to sue as they are not legal to be in the United States (hence illegal alien), if they did not legally pass through a port of entry.

States have the right to protect their sovereignty from invasion, if the federal government fails to do their job of protecting the border.  Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.  This article was enacted to guarantee each state of the union is protected against invasion by foreign nations, revolutionary forces, drug cartels and illegal immigration.  The President of the United State just can’t unilaterally change the law by an executive order, as only congress has the plenary powers over immigration under its enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8, Clause 18:

  • [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Also should be noted is the “Necessary and Proper Clause”,

  • Congress’s powers include not only those expressly listed, but also the authority to use all means necessary and proper for executing those express powers.

The President’s job is to enforce the law that congress enacts and that is it.  The courts don’t write laws either, their job is to interpret the law how congress wrote it.  What it appears this federal judge maybe doing to the defendant is the same thing that the New York judge did to Trump by fining him $345 million dollars.  If so, this would be nothing short of law fare, which would only being done to hurt the defendant(s) by damaging or de-legitimizing them, deterring them of their legal rights, and putting them out of business as a transport company.  Why this is being done is to signal to other companies and individuals, if you get involved with former President Donald Trump or laws we don't like, we will take you out.

Our opinion here is we believe the Biden Administration and the DNC are planning on using these illegal aliens to vote in the next election using mail in ballots like 2020 election.  Congress must enforce the voting act within the Constitution and require voters to report in person and provide their identification in order to vote, which proves their age and that the person is a citizen of the United States or has been naturalized by law.  According to the Constitution, voting can only really only be done in person with ID, otherwise we are going to have another fraudulent election with massive mail fraud.

Everyone knows that Biden did not get 80 million plus votes in the last general election as not that many people vote in elections.  Biden in the past had run three different times for President and was badly beaten all three times, whereas Joe Biden has never made it into the general election.  To top it off, to say Biden got more votes than Barack Obama was the biggest dead give away that cheating was going on in the 2020 election.

Interview Transcript of James Brian Biden in Regards to the Impeachment Inquiry of President Joe Biden.

Picture of President Joe Biden and James Biden

Peer Reviewed Politics: According to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability press release, Chairman James Comer (R-KY.) and House Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) released the transcript of the committees’ transcribed interview with James Biden on February 21, 2024, which lasted about eight hours and 3 minutes.  This transcript is 224 pages and can be found here.

In the transcript, there are many names which were redacted for the Committee on the Judiciary and for the Committee on Oversight and Accountability within the transcript.

Mr. Biden was represented by counsel Paul Fishman and David Hibey from the firm, Arnold and Porter.  Mr Biden started the interview by answering questions about his career.  Mr. Biden stated that he was a few credits short of graduating from the University of Delaware.  Mr. Biden stated that he has had a securities license, a real estate license, and currently has an insurance license.  Mr. Biden further elaborated that he has a company which provides worksite benefits to major institutions on behalf of employees in 20 states.  Mr. Biden stated that he is licensed in 50 states and has employees which all are on W-2 and work directly for Mr. Bidens' company.  Mr. Biden stated that the employees are compensated with bonuses and things like that. 

Mr. Fishman asked the General Counsel how far back does he want James Biden to go back.  The General Counsel then offered to run through some of the companies.  The General Counsel stated that he thought it would be helpful to talk about some of the companies that are going to be brought up during the interview.

Some of the companies that the General Counsel mentions is Lion Hall Group, whereas James Biden stated the company was formed after he got married, which James Biden believed it was in 1997. James Biden indicated that his wife was Sara Jones Biden and she was his partner.  James Biden was asked about the corporate address of his business and he stated it was his residence.  The general counsel asked what was his wife role in the company and Mr. Biden answered administration and bookkeeping.

The next company the General Counsel asked about was the JBBSR, Inc.  The counsel asked if he owned it and James Biden replied, "Yes".  James Biden elaborated that the company was formed by Sara Biden with James Biden agreeing with it and Mr. Biden stated he did not know if it was still in business.  James Biden then stated that it was setup as a vehicle where his wife and he could...  At this point he jumps to it was an LLC and it was setup for that reason.  James Biden stated that the company was used very little.  The general counsel states he wants to show James Biden an exhibit which was marked as No. 2 and he wanted James Biden to view it.

The general counsel the asked Mr. Biden what the last sentence in the second paragraph read.  Mr. Biden read back to the general counsel that the purpose of the Corporation is to engage in lawful or lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law under the State of Delaware.  The General Counsel then asks James Biden about the registered agent name at James Biden address.  Mr. Biden replies that the name of the register agent was Monzack Murkowsky and McLaughlin and Brower, P.A.  The General Counsel then states that on page 2 it is signed by Monzack Murkowsky.

This right here appears to be an issue, because being a registered agent at this address, which the address of James Biden sound a bit shady.  The General Counsel asks James Biden, what kind of service and businesses did the Lion Hall Group provide?  James Biden replied Consulting in many different areas.  James Biden states the list is incorporated in the documents that he provided the general counsel and the Oversight Committee.  Mr. Biden was asked by the general counsel if he was a registered lobbyist and Mr. Biden clearly said, "No, Sir." Mr. Biden then was asked if he was ever been a registered lobbyist, by the general counsel.  Mr. Biden stated, "Never."

This again is an issue and also its a requirement when doing business as a lobbyist, under federal law under Section 4 of the Act (2 U.S.C. § 1603) to be registered.  Why James Biden or Hunter did not know this when James' brother and Robert Hunters' dad was a U.S. Senator and Vice President of the United States is beyond belief.

The general counsel then asks about another business (BG Equity Partners) that James Biden held with Hunter Biden. The General Counsel then asks about Robert Hunter Biden being President and James Biden as being Vice President in BG Equity Partners with in another exhibit label as No.3.  The General Counsel asked if James Biden worked in this company dating back to 2009.  James Biden was asked if he had a business with Hunter Biden predating 2009.  James Biden stated that he could not recall. The General Counsel then asks what type of business/services did Hunter and he perform?  James Biden stated consulting and giving advise to Hunter Biden, who is his nephew, and then went on to elaborate that Hunter valued his judgment and expertise.

The General Counsel then asked about another business (Owasko PC) that Hunter Biden owned and which James Biden consulted in.  The General Counsel asked what was Owasko PC and James Biden replied, "It was a LL -- a PC, that Hunter had formed and that he asked me to join him in several different ventures."

The General Counsel stated he would like to turn to a couple of those joint ventures that James Biden was involved with.  The General Counsel asked about CEFC Business Associates and Americore. The General Counsel asked what was CEFC and James Biden stated it was privately held Chinese Energy company. The General Counsel asked what was James Biden's role in CEFC.  James Biden stated, "Sourcing business opportunities for them."  Representative Gaetz interjected, "When you say CEFC is privately held Chinese company, privately held by who?"  James Biden answered by the Chairman of CEFC, and after being further questioned about being privately held, James Biden replied that the company was not affiliated with the Chinese Government.  Mr. Gaetz quickly responded, "And how do you know that?"  James Biden answered, "From Hunter and from the papers that were presented to me."  Mr. Gaetz followed up asking, "Which papers were those?"  James Biden then stated he could not recall, but you know, several papers along the way.  James Biden then stated, "When I first joined, there was no way that Hunter would have brought me into a situation dealing with the Chinese Government"

We here at Peer Reviewed Politics find this all a bit unbelievable, because Hunter was juiced up on drugs, which just shows he was not of sound mind.  It's not like he was just only smoking Marijuana or eating edibles.  These were chemical mind alternating drugs.

Mr. Gaetz then asked, if it was James Biden conclusion that CEFC was not connected to the Chinese government was based on what people told him, writings he reviewed, or both.  James Biden started to beat around the bush, but then finally admitting it was both.  Mr. Gaetz asked about the nature of the documents, if these were corporate governance documents, bylaws, letters, or receipts.  The James Biden said something really strange, he stated, "I really didn't go it to details.  James Biden stated that Hunter told him it was a private company. Then he state you know the nature of my nephew. He's a Yale Law graduate and had, you know, done due diligence.  It wasn't my place to do it.  Hunter assured me it was not affiliated with the Chinese Government and it was a private company."

The question here is why would it not be his place to ask this question if he is doing consulting?  This seems so, scripted if you ask us here at Peer Reviewed Politics.  It just doesn't make sense, if Hunter is a graduate of Yale Law or Georgetown Law school, he should have known he needs to register as a lobbyist, if he is deal with foreign entities.

Mr, Gaetz asked why James Biden relied so heavily on this.  James Biden claimed because Hunter was an attorney and that he had graduated from Georgetown, he thinks.  James Biden went on to say that Hunter had transferred to Yale law school and that he was familiar with the appropriate documentation that was needed to verify that it was a private company, but yet not familiar with lobbyist laws.  James Biden also previously said he did not go into the details, but yet he claims Hunter was familiar with the appropriate documentation that was needed to verify it was a private.  Our question is which is it, James? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Mr. Gaetz asked James Biden, if he knew that Hunter had meetings at the home of the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, too.  James Biden stated, "No."

The Oversight Committee was really starting to trip up James Biden.  The General Counsel then asked about IRS agent who had prepare a memo detailing James Bidens statements.  The General Counsel James Biden to direct his attention to page 7 of 13, paragraph 27(b), stating that it gets to Representative Gaetz's question.  The General Counsel stated, "In the memo the agent wrote, James B -- which I believe is a reference to you -- noted that RHB -- which I understand is a reference to Hunter Biden -- portrayed CEFC to him as Chairman Ye was a protégé of President Xi."  James Biden stated that it was term of art. Mr. Biden continued to state, "I mean, it was not specifically.  You know, that he was held in high esteem by many in China.  I was alleged -- it was alleged by Hunter to me and I, obviously, I said that, and that's my recollection."  The General Counsel said, "So Hunter Biden did refer to Chairman Ye -- who is Chairman Ye Jianming -- as protégé of President Xi then."  James Biden then said, "He was a very successful young businessman, and I think that he was recognized as an up-and-comer, and he had a very profitable, very successful business."

Again, it sounds like James Biden knew a lot about this Chinese businessman, but yet he told Representative Gaetz that the company was not affiliated with the Chinese Government, but he understood Chairman Ye being successful, a protégé of President Xi, and that he was a Chairman, which is quite common title in a government position in China.  Sorry, but things just don't add up in just the 23 pages that we discuss here, it get worse.  Its obviously that James Biden is lying, based on his answers in his testimony so far.

Its definitely worth the read to learn more about how this family was using the Biden name to do consulting in order make big money.  The question is how much information and/or classified information did the Bidens sell about our country to countries like China?  Countries like China paid for something that was of use to them and we are sure it wasn't for information of how much ice cream President Joe Biden eats.  What is scary, is a lot of Chinese military aircraft and other military equipment look exactly like ours.

Representative Matt Gaetz Claims McCarthy Had Sabotaged Speaker Nominees.

Peer Reviewed Politics: Representative Matt Gaetz claims that former Speaker Kevin McCarthy had sabotaged Rep. Steve Scalise, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. Tom Emmer, and the recently elected Speaker of the House Representative Mike Johnson.

According to Rep. Gaetz, Rep. Kevin McCarthy was working behind closed doors with other members of congress to get write in's to re-elect McCarthy to the Speaker of the House.  Gaetz stated that McCarthy had scuttled other members of congress who where nominated to the Speakership.

Gaetz was speaking with Rep Emmer on Sunday and told Emmer that he was not going to get there in the votes needed, but Rep. Emmer stated that he wanted a shot at it.  Gaetz asked Emmer after having a shot at it and if not elected that he does not drag this out for days and weeks and also not to play into what McCarthy was projecting as he being the only one who could govern the Republican conference.  Rep. Emmer agreed if he is not elected, it will be quick.  Gaetz then said, after Emmer took his shot at the Speaker seat and he failed to get enough votes, Rep. Emmer immediately withdrew his name.

Gaetz went on to say that Rep. Mark Molinaro, who is a moderate New York freshman Republican had stated instead of restarting this process over again, can we just take a non-binding poll where people would be at on who came in second to Rep. Emmer, which was Rep. Mike Johnson.

Gaetz stated that Rep. Elise Stefanik said that it would be against the rules do this.  Gaetz elaborates that Rep. Mark Molinaro brilliantly stated, "then I move for unanimous consent that the rules be waived in order to take a poll" on whether on not Rep. Mike Johnson could be the speaker nominee.

Gaetz says, "guess who objects to the motion?"  "None other that Rep. Kevin McCarthy."  Gaetz said, Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy stood up and objected to doing a roll call for Rep. Mike Johnson.

Rep. Matt Gaetz stated that believes Kevin McCarthy had been working all along to knife everyone who was nominated as Speaker, but Rep. McCarthy had not found a way to knife Rep. Mike Johnson yet.  Do to the objection by Rep. McCarthy this caused a three hour delay, candidates had to announce, and it required another forum hearing.

During the time they're discussing the forum, Pro-Temp Speaker Patrick McHenry runs to the floor on Tuesday, he then opens up the floor of the House of Representatives from recess, then adjourns the House until Noon, Wednesday, October 25, 2023.

Rep. Gaetz hypothesizes, "why did they do this?"  Gaetz believes that McCarthy and McHenry were setting up a play to block Rep. Johnson with write-in votes in the intra-conference process for Rep. McCarthy.  McCarthy was promising hearings on favorite legislation, passage of bills, chairmanships and so forth.  Gaetz said the play was for McCarthy to return as speaker and then make Rep. Jim Jordan as Deputy Speaker.  Rep. Garret Graves and other RINO's in the conference were trying to effectuate the return of McCarthy.  Gaetz stated that they were told that there would be a hundred votes for McCarthy on the write-in, whereas they failed to get a hundred and only got 33 on the first write-in.

Gaetz goes on say in the second vote McCarthy gets 43 to vote for him on a secret ballot, but Rep. Mike Johnson gets a majority of the votes.  Gaetz says, Rep. Mike Johnson at this point had asked for a roll call vote.  Gaetz said after calling for the roll call vote, McCarthy had got zero votes on the third vote.

We here at Peer Reviewed Politics wonder why none of the RINO's would do a roll call vote and then vote for Rep. McCarthy?

Gaetz believes these RINO's did not want to announce that they were voting for a person not even running for the nomination of speaker.  This is as swampy as it gets in congress.  It appears all along that Rep. McCarthy and other RINO's were plotting to bring back the former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

We also noticed over the last few weeks that news networks like Fox News and pundits like RINO Karl Rove were pushing hard against Rep. Steve Scalise, Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Mike Johnson, because these three people are true conservatives.

Fox News, Senator Mitch McConnell, and washouts like RINO Karl Rove want these K street lobbyist, so they all can get rich of legislation.  The Biden Administration also wants a squishy Republicans, so they will help pass 3000 pages omnibus bills without anyone reading them.

Well folks, we think these omnibus bills will be all coming to a end, if this new Speaker has his way, but don't count out people like Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and these other RINO's to start running rough shot over the heads of these true conservatives.

Remember, these are corrupt RINO's who will do their worst to make sure that these conservatives will not win again, as there is way too much food at the trough to just to forget about it.

WeThePeople need to do our jobs to remove these RINO's from congress.  In the mean time, our hats are off to Rep. Matt Gaetz and Speaker Mike Johnson, Bravo guys, well played!

Video Credit: Bannons War Room

  • Article: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article Attribution: Matt Gaetz, Echo News, Bannons War RoomPeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: October 26, 2023Video Clips Durations: Echo News 00:02:48 and War Room 00:13:30Photos and Video Credit: Echo News

Second Speaker Vote Ended with 22 GOP Defectors - Here are Their Names

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Peer Reviewed Politics: Earlier today, the House of Representatives again voted for the second time to replace Former Speaker McCarthy.  The vote taken today to elect Rep. Jim Jordan ended with 22 Obstructionist GOP members who voted against Representative Jim Jordan and the Peoples will. .

As promised we are listing the names of these GOP members who interfered with the progress of electing a speaker after two weeks of not having a speaker in the House of Representatives.  The seat was vacated after the former speaker failed to follow the agreed agenda of House Conservatives, which resulted in unchecked spending of a stop gap Omnibus bill, which also funded President Biden's Administration open borders and illegal aliens over veterans and homeless citizens.

These GOP member names will be published in an online voters pamphlet that we will creating in the near future for the next election.  We are asking constituents to remember in November for any GOP member that is up for election this November.  We have had 3 bad speakers in a row and this puts our party at risk of losing the House of Representatives to the Progressive Socialist and Communist in November because the GOP is unable to stop the huge spending that they promise the people they would do if elected.

We are asking constituents to primary these RINO's and also to consider running against them if they have no conservative challengers.

Here are the following names of GOP members that defected:

  • Arkansas Representative Steve Womack voted for Rep. Steve Scalise;
  • Colorado Representative Ken Buck voted for House Whip Tom Emmer;
  • Florida Representative Vern Buchanan voted for Rep. Byron Donalds;
  • Florida Representative Mario Diaz-Balart voted for Rep. Steve Scalise;
  • Florida Representative Carlos Gimenez voted for ousted Former Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy;
  • Florida Representative John Rutherford voted for Rep. Steve Scalise;
  • Geogia Representative Drew Ferguson voted for Rep. Steve Scalise;
  • Idaho Representative Mike Simpson voted for Rep. Steve Scalise;
  • Iowa Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks voted for Rep. Kay Granger;
  • Michigan Representative John James voted for a public works commissioner Candice Miller;
  • Minnesota Representative Pete Stauber voted for Rep Bruce Westerman;
  • Nebraska Representative Don Bacon voted for ousted Former Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy;
  • New York Representative Anthony D'Esposito voted for Former Rep. Lee Zeldin;
  • New York Representative Andrew Farbarino voted for Former Rep. Lee Zeldin;
  • New York Representative Nick LaLota voted for Former Rep. Lee Zeldin;
  • New York Representative Mike Lawler voted for ousted Former Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy;
  • Oregon Representative Lori Chavez-DeRemer voted for ousted Former Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy;
  • Pennsylvania Representative Mike Kelly voted for ousted Former Speaker Jon Boehner;
  • Texas Representative Jake Ellzey voted for Rep. Mike Garcia;
  • Texas Representative Tony Gonzales voted for Rep. Steve Scalise;
  • Texas Representative Kay Granger voted for Rep. Steve Scalise;
  • Virginia Representative Jan Kiggans voted for ousted Former Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy;

  • Some of these representatives voted for one of the two speakers that were ousted, whereas one of them who was just ousted.  Most of these votes appear to be some kind protest vote, whereas the other votes appear to be votes to stop Representative Jim Jordan from taking the gavel before the November 17, 2023 Omnibus bill, which is shortly coming up.

    We have heard from sources as well as other news media groups that there maybe a Plan B in effect to either elect Speaker Pro tempore Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina or to at least give him the power and authority to move legislation through the House of Representative with the help of Democrats.  We are hearing there are back room deals going on with some of these RINO's and the Democrats for a possible vote to give McHenry the ability to bring legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives, which will likely include spending bills that Representative Jim Jordan would decline to bring to the floor if he becomes the Speaker of the House.

    This frivolous spending is causing high inflation and increases in the interest rates to contain the inflation.  Currently we have a bunch of banks that are likely to fail with another interest rate increase, but congress just doesn't seem to care about the affects of more spending.

    JPMorgan Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon stated, “This may be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades,” Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser stated in September, “All of these macro dynamics have clearly impacted client sentiment, September is always a busy month seeing clients, and I'm struck how consistently CEOs are less optimistic about 2024 than a few months ago.”

    PNC Financial Services said it plans to lay off about 4% of its workforce as part of cost-cutting efforts.  The shares of PNC fell 2.6% and shares of other regional banks have also been down recently.   Dow Jones Industrial Average was down today 332.57 as Nvidia shows weakness, the jump in Treasury yields, and the House failing to elect a speaker.
    • Article: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™, Wall Street Journal, Yahoo FinancePeer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: October 18, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photo(s) and Video Credit:

    House will Have a Second Vote for Speaker on Wednesday, October 18. 2023

    Photo Credit:

    Peer Reviewed Politics: The House today will vote for a second time on whether Representative Jim Jordon will become Speaker of the House of Representatives.  Yesterday's vote end up 16 votes short of making Rep. Jim Jordan the Speaker of the House.

    Some Republicans defected yesterday leaving Representative Jordan 16 votes short of taking the gavel in the House of Representatives.  Yesterday, 20 Republican holdout's denied Rep. Jim Jordan the speakership.  Democrats voted along party lines for their minority leader Democrat Hakeem Jeffries of New York who ended up getting 212 votes for the speakership.

    Some Republicans don't like Rep. Jim Jordan as he supported Former President Donald Trump, the Make America Great and Teaparty groups in the past. Both Make America Great Again and the Teaparty parties were instrumental in turning around the down turn of the United States economy when Democrats ruled the House, Senate, and Presidency.  There was extreme growth when the Teaparty and Make America Great Again groups got like minded members in congress and the Presidency.  There was record low unemployment, reduced spending, low taxes, and record high growth, low crime, and a huge drop in illegal aliens coming to the United States during the these times.

    It's been roughly two weeks since Former Speaker McCarthy was removed by eight Republicans and all Democrats.  Republicans were tried of the former speaker not keeping his promises, appearing to be extremely weak in his governing, and not setting the agenda that McCarthy promised he would do.

    The removal of Former Speaker McCarthy has made some moderate Republicans angry, which has caused some infighting and voting against both Rep. Steve Scalise and Rep. Jim Jordan when they dropped there name in the hat to be speaker.

    Rep. Steve Scalise has blood cancer and some members did not think it was a good idea to make him speaker, so he withdrew his name from the hat.  Both Rep. Steve Scalise and Rep. Jim Jordan are very well qualified for the speakership.  Rep. Jim Jordan has had issues with some RINO's in the House of Representatives because Jordan supported the Teaparty and Former President Trump.

    These so called Republicans in congress are not really conservative and are moderate 'Republicans in Name Only' (RINO's) who favor big spending, high taxes, and Democrat policies.  We are asking constituents in those states that these representatives preside in to call and e-mail their offices and tell them to vote for Representative Jim Jordan for the House Speaker.  Rep. Steve Scalise and Former Speaker McCarthy have both endorsed Rep. Jordan for House Speaker.

    Communist Democrats hate Jim Jordan and they call him a far-right extreme obstructionist, because these type Republicans like Jim Jordan believe that spending, gas, and taxes are too high and that these type of Republicans will put Americans First over these open-border communists who have opened the border wide open, which is currently causing chaos in the United States.

    Democrats and RINO's have been using taxpayer money to support these illegal aliens over our veterans and American citizen homeless population.  Democrats believe that they can move these fractions into red states in order to turn these states blue by allowing illegal's to vote in elections for Democrat socialist policies, but so far this has not been the case as Republican governors along the border have been pushing back and bussing these illegal aliens into blue states, where they have been draining the resources in those blue states.  This has caused constituents from those blue states to be mad at their elected officials in those blue states for their open border policies.

    There's even some RINO Republicans who are voting against Rep. Jim Jordan because they too want these illegal's in their states in order to have low wage H2 visa workers for employers, which ends up putting American citizens out of jobs or being forced to take lower wages in order to compete with the illegal aliens.

    We and constituents are watching the speakership vote carefully today and we will be publishing the names of Republican RINO's who vote against Representative Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House of Representatives.  We ask our viewers that if you live in states, whereas your representative(s) votes against Rep. Jordan as Speaker of the House of Representatives, to primary those Republican RINO's in the next election with another Republican or constituents who run against these establishment figures.

    • Article: Peer Reviewed Politics™ Article Attribution: Peer Reviewed Politics™Peer Reviewed Politics Article Author: @TeaPartier_Al on TwitterDate: October 18, 2023Video Clip Duration: 00:00:00Photo(s) and Video Credit: